So, Can we show we enjoy being bare in the snow?

There are lots of pictures of members enjoying being bare in the snow. Some are lying in it or making snow angels. It must be really cold. Can we show some examples here, a picture or maybe just a description of how great it is being out in all that pure whit stuff. For what it's worth, here's my contribution. It gave me quite a buz even though I've not been as couragious as many. I needed my skarf to keep me warm.

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RE: So, Can we show we enjoy being bare in the snow?

I got naked in the snow we had in January - very chilling, but very thrilling!

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RE: So, Can we show we enjoy being bare in the snow?

It's a bit late for snow now, so maybe we'll have to wit for next winter for some more anecdotes

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RE: So, Can we show we enjoy being bare in the snow?

Even in Scotland, I'll probably have to wait till December / January for snow now.

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RE: So, Can we show we enjoy being bare in the snow?

I went to the highlands of Scotland just a few weeks ago. I certainly would not want to be naked there now even though it's quite warm. Those midgges biter by the million!

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Use to it

Because work i have had to be many times nude there, so no problem with it.

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RE: So, Can we show we enjoy being bare in the snow?

I went to the highlands of Scotland just a few weeks ago. I certainly would not want to be naked there now even though it's quite warm. Those midgges biter by the million!
The midges are a killer. They've got teeth like piranhas!

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RE: Use to it

Because work i have had to be many times nude there, so no problem with it.regardsguanche
You are, I think, the most handsome brute on this whole site: in or out of snow. I hope you aren't offended by me saying this - that is a beautiful picture.

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This year's snow

I thought I'd rush out and take some pics before it melted:

I don't like cold feet

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RE: This year's snow

Snow is expected soon. Time for some more pics.

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RE: This year's snow

Guess what. It's nerely April and it's snowing! When will winter end?

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