This is a men's business form so I hope
this subject is permissible. We were on this site a while back
looking at someones photos when my partner commented, another
picture of a bloke flashing his penis. To which I replied he wasn't
flashing, he's just sitting down. To which she replied BS all men
seem to like to flash, even you, look at your own profile. I
explained to her I was just sitting on a rock. In the burb I grew up
in if a bloke sat with his knees together his mates would have called
him a girl. Publicist boys of my generation took great offence to
being called a girl by their mates so you trained yourself to never
to sit with your knees together or your ankles crossed. Look at any
picture of me with my pants on and my knees are apart. She told me I
was full of BS. What do you think?
- 14 years ago
I know this is the men's room, so I hope you don't mind the opinion of a woman other than your friend.
I have todisagree very much with your friend. If you are sitting comfortably then you're not flashing. A man's genitalia is external, there ain't no hiding it. To me that would be equivalent of saying that if my breasts are exposed, then I'm flashing. Actually I've seen men sit with their legs closed specifically to show off their bits.
Whenit comes to pictures, it also has a lot to do with the angle of the camera. If the angle is such that one's genitals become pronounced or are the focal point of the picture, then that would be flashing.Otherwise, your just a nudist having your picture taken.
Hope that viewpoint helps!
- 14 years ago
your so right mate spot on
- 14 years ago
your so right mate spot on
- 14 years ago
I definatly have to agree with Jen, it is nice to have a woman's viewpoint on things. Welcome to the Men's Room BTW Jen. LOL
The way I sit is based on comfort. When I have my feet propped up on small footrest, my ankles are usually crossed, if I am sitting next to campfire, my knees are apart so I don't cook my knees. lol
- 14 years ago
She's mistaken. Youre just sitting comfortably. Come to think of it there are quite a few pics of ladies "flashing" too, if that's what it is. She just does not like real nudity. As the cartoon shows flashing uses a coat wheras you are just being natural. In my experience some of the more suggestive pictures are those in which something is left to the imagination - especially those partially clothed. I doubt your girlfriend will become a nudist.
- 14 years ago
On another post there was a thing about answering the door. Someone said that when J wittness came he answered the door in the nude to keep them from coming back. That is a flasher who gets his gollies by offending people.
- 14 years ago
For a man with, as pointed out earlier, external parts, I think it is just more natural and comfortable to sit with legs apart. Whether clothed or nude those "external parts" need some room. One of the things that originally drew me to nude sunbathing was the comfort of being unconfined and comfortable. If I have to sit or lay with my legs together and everything "pressed" between my legs or be accussed of flashing then I would rather wear loose fitting shorts. Or you could simply use that age old saying used by women everyday " Excuse me, my eyes are up here". LOL
- 14 years ago
I don't see how sitting comfortably can be considered as flashing. But much of our modern culture is quite obsessed with body ettiquete in many forms - not merely girls sitting with 'knees together' but with issues regarding posture, deportment and physical movement and exercise [I think a sociologist called Mauss discussed this, if I recall - must check it up again].
During my time at naturists beaches countless females sit with their legs apart, or flex their breasts as they sunbathe or play sport. It can hardly be deemed exhibitionism. If it is - leave it be as beautiful and free and walk on.
Perhaps the fact I observed this indicates I am a voyeur??? Rather than someone who happens to notice the differences in behaviour by two distinct social groups [naturists and textiles]? Is your wife a voyeur for observing your so called 'exhibitionism'?
Are we in a sense, returning to the repressive and overly regulative modes of conduct in the textile community which we try to escape by becoming naturists?
Ideas, very quickly seep into our lives and become self regulating attitudes. Let us know better and remain free.
- 14 years ago
We are nudist, how can there be exhibitionism among us , its ubsurd. We are naked, why try to hide any bits or be modest. Lude behavoire, thats different. But If I need to stretch, spread my legs, rub my but, or arrange me bits I ain't hiding it. But i will try not to do all at the same time
- 14 years ago
We are nudist, how can there be exhibitionism among us , its ubsurd. We are naked, why try to hide any bits or be modest. Lude behavoire, thats different. But If I need to stretch, spread my legs, rub my but, or arrange me bits I ain't hiding it. But i will try not to do all at the same time
If you do, it might indicate you have the crabs or you sat on an ant hill.......
- 14 years ago