Sooooooooooooooooooooo Sick!

I'm so sick of this world,
that we trash everyday,
and the people that say,
"it'll all be ok."
And the fools that see nothing,
despite all the proof,
our consumption is leading,
to our world going poof!
It's a fact, that our lifestyle,
cannot be sustained,
and It's no good you crying,
"lost my life to the rain."
Or that the land of plenty,
has dried up and gone,
we all saw it coming,
you know, that you're wrong.
If you continue to plunder,
strip Mother earth bare,
it's your kids that will flounder,
when nothing is there.
To sustain them and theirs,
we will all have to change,
you now are the architect,
will your life rearrange?
Will their last breath be cursing,
your blind selfish greed?
as they fail to survive in,
the dead world that you leave.
From the blind callous way,
that is so very crewel,
that we process the ones,
we see only as food.
To the rape of our oceans,
that breaks the food chain,
but our children will know,
they will all feel the pain.
To the blatant destruction
of huge tracts of land,
that we know is our lifeblood,
we can't live on sand.
From the lies and deceit,
that the adds simply ooze,
to the morons that reek,
in our high streets of booze.
To the fat cats that laugh,
as they pocket our dough,
and that no one will stand,
in their way, and they know.
That we'll all keep on paying,
right up to the end,
cos there's nobody driving,
and here comes a bend!
Beam me up, Scottie!

I WISH! ..... :(

Will YOU, ... ever take the wheel?

I kinda doubt it.

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RE: Sooooooooooooooooooooo Sick!

Thanks for the great poem. Its so true. May I share this with others?

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RE: Sooooooooooooooooooooo Sick!

Thanks for the great poem. Its so true. May I share this with others?

Thanks :)

Feel free if you think it'll do any good.

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