Hotel Skinny-dipping

How many of us skinny-dip in hotel pools whenever we can create an opportunity.
I find that many hotel pools are unused before breakfast and sometimes late mornings when people have gone out sightseeing and have managed a discreet skinny-dip in almost all the hotels I have stayed in over the last five years.

I have also managed to use the sauna, steam room and hot tub naked on many occasions.

I will upload some of the photographs which I have taken to the group media..

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RE:Hotel Skinny-dipping

You are a lot more adventurous than I am my friend. Now I've gone skinny dipping in jacuzzis before but usually enter with a suit on and take it off under the bubbles.

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RE:Hotel Skinny-dipping

I've done the same as Silversurfer. We visit a favorite hotel down south of us and it's a tropical theme hotel. Late, late at night, I've gone out there and gotten in with a suit on but slipped out of it and emerged naked and wrapped a towel around me. I have passed other guests with me wrapped in a towel and carrying my wet swim shorts in my hand. Not sure what they thought but I wasn't worried. Been visiting the same hotel for over 20 years, sometimes 2-3 times a year and haven't been caught or had someone tell me not to do what I was doing. This is the only hotel I've attempted to do this or done this.

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RE:Hotel Skinny-dipping

I must confess to having slipped my swimsuit off after entering the hot tub and sometimes after entering the sauna but on other occasions I have gone direct from the pool to the sauna totally naked or wrapped in my towel.
I have a video of one indoor hotel swim here and some outdoor hotel pools here.

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RE:Hotel Skinny-dipping

You are a lot more adventurous than I am my friend. Now I've gone skinny dipping in jacuzzis before but usually enter with a suit on and take it off under the bubbles.

Who's done that only to be joined by strangers? I tried to discretely put them back on before the bubbles timed out, but it was probably obvious what I was doing.

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RE:Hotel Skinny-dipping

I've done the same with my suit and wrapped in a towel, it's awesome. Which hotel or resort do you frequent?

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RE:Hotel Skinny-dipping

Happened to me. I think I was able to put on my trunks without being completely obvious. It was only because there were two kids with the adult that I even bothered.

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RE:Hotel Skinny-dipping

The last couple of hotels I stayed at had voyeur cams... I mean security cams in the pool areas.

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RE:Hotel Skinny-dipping

The last couple of hotels I stayed at had voyeur cams... I mean security cams in the pool areas.

That never stopped me and nobody ever mentioned my nudity. I have also been seen naked at the pool by cleaners and towel replacement staff without any problems.
I attach a couple of pictures with the camera and monitor in the foyer circled. In the first picture I am approximately where I was when the lady bringing the fresh towels met me.

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RE:Hotel Skinny-dipping

Ed, embolden by your swimming in front of security cameras, I went down to the pool where I was staying and the pool had a lock on it! Im in a small town in Northern California called Yreka. Staff said it was for COVID. I stayed in a hotel in Key West that had a discrete pool. Forgot my bathing suit so I went nude. No one else was in the pool or on the deck but the staff kindly asked me to wear something. They did allow me to wear a pair of boxers.

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RE:Hotel Skinny-dipping

I managed four naked lengths of the hotel pool before others arrived so I finished the 40 in my tanga.

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