Labor Day Weekend at VVHS
I just booked 3 nights at Valley View. I'll be near the astronomy pad Saturday night and then up at site K for Sunday and Monday night.
I'd like to do some hiking while there as well as go visit the Sand Dunes one day.
If you are there, stop by or send me a message and we can coordinate.
Happy Nakedness,
Jeremy aka Jayroe
- 6 years ago
I was considering a return trip in late August, but I don't think it's going to happen. Enjoy your stay. If you haven't heard, the top pools are running rather cool (low 70s) due to abundant rain, and late snow melt runoff. The rest of the pools are at their normal 90ish - 95ish temperatures, and of course the Apple ponds are toasty warm (Hot).
John aka cobeachbum
- 6 years ago
Update Aug, 18
I added a day and night to the front of my vacation so that I could camp and soak at Orvis Hot Springs. I plan to be there mid to late afternoon on the 30th. Soak more in the morning and then cruise to VVHS for the remainder of the holiday weekend
If youre in the area and would like to meet up send me a message.
Happy nakedness
- 6 years ago