folks want to hang out nude

In the past week, I have gotten one request through Airbnb from a guy who wants to stay here because he can be nude for Monday , plus a guy who i have gotten to know here on TN is going to stop by the next afternoon for some nude time, and just now got a request through Couchsurfing from a guy who wants to stay because he can be naked on friday night. . Then later in August a random roomie who i met back in 2013 in Croatia is going to stay for a few days , since I converted him to nude time in the hotel room in the Balkans, I imagine it will be nude while here at my home too. Always fun to meet fellow nudist. I will post a report of how our nude times went.

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RE:folks want to hang out nude

The first guy ended up canceling for a legit reason, he had a last minute opportunity to earn some cash. But later in the week he came up just for the afternoon and soaked with me free of charge in the hot tub. Of course I greeted him bare and he never saw me with clothes on. We had a nice visit and plan to meet up again soon and have some more nude time. Even going to try some body painting on each other. Something both of us want to try but have not had the opportunity to do. The second guy showed up as promised with his parrot and i greeted him while bare myself sitting on the front porch. He stripped down as soon as he got here. We did don some clothes to go to a free bluegrass concert but other than that we both stayed bare while he was here. Had a great soak and chat about travel and life.
The third guy I did slip on my barely there shorts when he got here to help direct him into the driveway with his horse trailer behind him. He was coming up from Missouri to pick up a rescue horse and deliver it to a friend in Nebraska. We had a nice nude soak and visit about his work in disaster relief.
Over the next couple of weeks there are a couple more guys, one from here on TN who came last year on his motorcycle. He and I had a great naked visit last year and plan to pick up where we left off then. And a convert to nudism I made while traveling in the Balkans 6 yrs ago I coming for a 4 day visit later in the week. May also have a repeat bicyclist from 4 yrs ago stay a night. Last time he showered with the door open and stayed bare for his night here. The next morning he told me he had mentioned to his adult son that he was nude with a nudist. The son said "TMI dad, TMI"
Open your home to strangers and who knows you may make friends for life, if not just a nice conversation helps brighten a day.

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