Senior but NOT old in Florida

In my 7th decade now (72 yo) and still feeling fine - not like when I was a more energetic and thinner (almost skinny) 20 to 40 yo, but think I'll be around for a long while yet. Retired 10 years ago after a lifetime of military and government contractor work. Sure do like this life here in Florida where I can go to clothing optional beaches and to the nude recreation communities/resorts.

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RE:Senior but NOT old in Florida

I said I would be in sunny florida again after I retired but 10 years after still not there but a fun place to visit especially the nude beaches

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RE:Senior but NOT old in Florida

Interesting! I too am Retired from the military and military contracting. You have me beat as I only went 36 years combined. I spend my winters in Arizona (Magic Circle) and summers traveling the west... never been to Florida but hear it's nice. I have cast off my clothes almost full time (probably 85% of the time) some 8 years ago... and i love my lifestyle! Sometime to the point I absolutely hate to put anything on. Enjoy your life and remember to Live.

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RE:Senior but NOT old in Florida

Interesting! I too am Retired from the military and military contracting. You have me beat as I only went 36 years combined. I spend my winters in Arizona (Magic Circle) and summers traveling the west... never been to Florida but hear it's nice. I have cast off my clothes almost full time (probably 85% of the time) some 8 years ago... and i love my lifestyle! Sometime to the point I absolutely hate to put anything on. Enjoy your life and remember to Live.

Did you get rid of most of your clothes at the same time ? If so, about how much clothing do you have?

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RE:Senior but NOT old in Florida

Senior here in Florida with a hurricane headed my way

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RE:Senior but NOT old in Florida

Senior gardener here - flowers only no veggies too much work and that cuts into my visits to the beach, clubs and camps. I'm holding my own but do remember those "better" days.

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RE:Senior but NOT old in Florida

Rumor has it that 70 is the new 40, so why not live a little! Retired and 73 here, like it better than 40 since I had to go to a job back then!

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RE:Senior but NOT old in Florida

Old is somehow a dirty word, but senior is not? We do contort with semantics. Enjoy whatever you've accomplished and the adventures yet to be undertaken. Growth at all stages. And sun on your buns, my guess is that there is more time for that then ever before!!!

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RE:Senior but NOT old in Florida

I'll turn 70 in two months. I am definitely not old but I will claim seniorship, especially for the discounts. Life is much better than when I was 40. Now I can do what I want, when I want. What surprises me is that now I am exploring doing things I would have never thought of 30 years ago. Such as nudity. Wherever I go I look for places where I can walk in the nude. Near my home I do it weekly. I also have much more sexual desire than I had 30 years ago. Unfortunately satisfying that desire seems to be almost impossible. When I was 40 I was married and my wife found me desirable. Now I am single and women think of me as a dirty old man. That's not fair. Neither is the fact that women of all ages look so much more lovely and sexy. So I guess I'm a horny senior but I wouldn't trade it.

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RE:Senior but NOT old in Florida

Im a young 68. 3 to 4 miles a day desert walk, sometimes part of it nude. No hurricanes here in AZ, unless you occassionally count my wife. Just lots o sun for the naked buns

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