Solar salesman

We had Momentum Solar contact us about putting solar panels on our house. I said I would be interested if we could make it 100% solar. Before we got off the phone, I said we are nudists, does that matter, and the lady making the appointment said it would not matter. So when the salesman showed up, I answered the door nude, and we sat at the kitchen table for his presentation. We have a sign in the driveway stating that we are clothing optional, and that visitors may see nudity. It was a good thing, because the appointment person did not pass along the information that we were clothing optional. The salesman simply said "So you're nudists?" I said yes, and he said "That's really cool!"

The preliminary research seems to indicate our roof is big enough and has enough sun exposure to produce 200% of our power needs (feeding the surplus into the power grid to offset our nighttime usage to get us to the 100% solar mark. But tomorrow, the technical crew is showing up to make actual measurements, look at our house wiring, etc. to make sure we can actually make the solar thing happen.

Our sign has our phone number on it so people can call if we need to be dressed for them, but no one has done that yet. I am hoping tomorrow is the same. The crew needs about 30 minutes in the attic and power panel in the house, then 30 - 60 minutes on the roof. I would really hate to have to be dressed for all that.

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RE:Solar salesman

Ok, so the "crew" was one guy. He arrived early, and I was actually surprised by the door knock. The technician seemed mildly amused at first, but I asked him what he needed to see first (the breaker panel), and things just went from there. He asked about the house and our wolf hybrids, but my nudity was never mentioned once. At one point, I had to accompany him into the yard to see the outside power service connection. I needed to make sure the wolfies were ok with a stranger in their yard. They were fine once he followed me into the yard. He asked more about the wolfies, and then said he just needed to make measurements on the roof.

Very professional througout, and obviously working with a nude customer just wasn't an issue. :)

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RE:Solar salesman

This is a nice story all around. You're getting solar panels, that's great. And you have arranged the work so that you can remain nude without any concerns, and the workers are cool with it. Hope it all works out.

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RE:Solar salesman

Our pest control people showed up the next day (long-time tech, with his newbie supervisor whom he was training - yes the tech was training the supervisor). Wasn't expecting them. When they came in, I was the only nude person with everyone else dressed. The treatment took a while, and one of our guests came out of the guest room nude, and he and I were talking in the living room when the tech walked through to get something from his truck. One of my adult sons came out of his room in boxers and was there when the tech came back through.

Neither the tech or the supervisor said a word about the nudity/minimal clothing. Both seemed to take it all in stride.

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RE:Solar salesman

Oh yeah, the main crew (5 or 6 guys) did come by and install the panels on the roof. Again, I was the only nude person, but everyone seemed to take things in stride.

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RE:Solar salesman

These are great, encouraging stories, suggesting that there are a few places in the country where some folks are beginning to have a more sane attitude toward nakedness. Thanks to the story-tellers for having the courage to live their lives as they see fit, without worrying too much about what anyone else will think. Here's to the day when "Naked is Normal"!

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RE:Solar salesman

Seems like everytime someone comes out to do more work on the Solar installation, it's someone different who has not already been out here working on it. Day before yesterday, 2 guys came by to put the new breaker boxes on the outside of the house and hook them together. This meant they needed to be in the fenced yard with our wolf-hybrids, which meant that I needed to escort them in so the wolfies could get to know them with me to keep the wolfies in check. I had answered the door naked, so I went on out and got them acquainted with the k9s. They were very taken with the wolfies and asked where we had gotten them, etc. No question about why I was naked or anything. (Of course, they had seen the driveway sign saying we were clothing optional.)

This has been very refreshing to see so many people not getting bent out of shape over nudity. (At least, after they knew in advance to expect it)

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RE:Solar salesman

Why isn't there a "like" button I can click LOL?

I'm enjoying following your solar story and the positive impression you're making on the textiles. Thanks for representing us in such a positive light.

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RE:Solar salesman

The last step in the installation happened today with yet ANOTHER new guy that hadn't been here before. He really liked the k9s (wolf hybrids), and didn't bat an eye at the nudity, and seemed fully at ease with it, as it should be.

Now the next step is having Duke Energy come give their blessing to turn on the system. Maybe the "roll" will continue, and I can be naked from beginning of the project to the end.

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RE:Solar salesman

Be sure to let us know how it goes. I say its all about your communication (nudist sign), confidence and comfort with being nude. People respond positively to that, I think

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RE:Solar salesman

Turns out, the "final inspection" is more than one step. Yesterday, I got a call at 7:15 AM that a tech from Momentum solar was in my yard unsure if it was the right place. I got up and walked out to meet him. He was so afraid of the (fenced) dogs that he didn't want to get out of his car until the County inspectors arrived, so he could go in with the group instead of alone. I went back inside. He called a bit later, and said the County inspector wouldn't be there till after 3 PM. That didn't work since I leave for work at 12:30. I mentioned I was off work on Thursday, and he said that would work, they would be back Thursday.

This morning I got a call that again, a tech was in the yard, and could he pre-inspect before the County inspectors arrived TOMORROW (Wednesday, not Thursday!). I said sure, he could pre-inspect, but that I worked Wednesday, and would not be here for inspectors unless they come in the morning. He petted the wolf-hybrids, said he always liked dogs, and did his pre-inspection. Not a word about me being naked.

I came home early sick from work tonight. I don't plan on working tomorrow, so it looks like I will be around for the County inspectors after all. We'll see. After they inspect, it turns out there is still ANOTHER step, and that is Duke Energy bringing out and installing a new meter.

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