Mens short too short.

Today I saw a man wearing shorts that were so short I saw his beautiful piece. Of course he wasnt wearing underwear. After seeing that, I decided to go out and buy shorts that would allow my privates to be seen. I think thats becoming my turn on.

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RE:Mens short too short.

Maybe he is a TrueNudist member and will post his experience wearing his shorts in a post. LOL!

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RE:Mens short too short.

I had shorts like that. Very short shorts usually have a modesty liner which I always cut out. My parts would hang low enough to come into view, especially on a warm day or when I was seated. These days I wear a short kilt or wrap instead. It lets me be much more exposed.

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RE:Mens short too short.

I wear. Very short shorts when I run and mow my lawn. Some Lined and some not. Some that I run in have a built in jock. All fun to wear and it gives me a kick to see its noticed. Not super gifted up front so I admit its a thrill for me

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RE:Mens short too short.

My wife picked me up these shorts there not really small but made out of nylon and no liner they are silver with small holes if they were any other color you could see throught them I been wearing them watering the flowers at night they always seems to bring the neighbor over to chat lol

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RE:Mens short too short.

the shorts I typically go running in are pretty short. they have a lining, however, sometimes if I stretch too far or move too quickly I still occasionally pop out

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RE:Mens short too short.

any particular brands?

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RE:Mens short too short.

any particular brands?

mine are karrimor, I used them for volleyball

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RE:Mens short too short.

Thanks, I'll check them out.

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RE:Mens short too short.

Beautiful pics. Gorgeous cock.

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RE:Mens short too short.


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