RE:Natural male instict?

This right here is precisely why I say, in reference to one of the statements in the OP, that I am most definitely NOT as comfortable in nudist environments as I am on my own. You can always count on someone from the self-appointed Prude Patrol to roll up with a mind to pass out sexuality citations. Should we be more openly embracing of our sexual sides - at least to the point of acknowledging such a basic comforting action as this, or is it better that we as nudist stay the course and continue acting as though we are life size Ken and Barbie dolls who can get fully naked but can never have sex? Why do we wail and moan about how wrong the world is regarding their estimation of nudity, only to turn around and do the same damn thing to the subject of sexuality? Are we so desperate to be seen apart from that awful, dreadul act of smushing genitals together that we'll throw sex under the bus at the drop of a pair of trousers? There. How's that? Have I fleshed out some of the themes within this discussion and spruced it up enough to make it intellectual enough to satisfy the Fornication Frowny Face Force?

Well said! We need your ability to articulate yourself not despite the FFFF but because of it, so keep on showing up in social nudist environments!

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RE:Natural male instict?

I do touch myself, not in a sexual way, but,,,touching. I also comb my fingrs through my pubic hair, not sure why, both are just habits.

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RE:Natural male instict?

You have to admire the logic of the sanctimonious poster who alludes to a moral superiority by saying they dont judge people.

In almost 20 years of being a social naturist this subject has never come up in conversation, in fact naturist dont discuss their genitals in exactly the same way textiles dont.

Some guys seem to believe, simply because the have no trousers on everyone must want to talk about their cock and balls. These guys have as much in common with being a naturist as a cake mix has with scuba diving.

So I say, stop acting like pre-pubescent boys, grow up and grow a pair of balls instead of playing with them.

Or maybe Im just being a prude.

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RE:Natural male instict?

Annie here!It always amuses me - little boys find so many ways to talk about their peepee's

Annie said it!!!

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RE:Natural male instict?

She must be a prude too then.

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RE:Natural male instict?

Soon be time for xmas shopping.

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RE:Natural male instict?

Grab some bargains...... instead of...

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RE:Natural male instict?

She must be a prude too then.

Nope! She said she was amused not offended

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RE:Natural male instict?

Sarcasm is wasted sometimes

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RE:Natural male instict?

Lee I belong to other special interest forums, photography, sport and gaming. If someone was to post a thread asking who else likes playing with their balls in any of these forums they would get laughed off the site.

So we are supposed to just accept the idiotic rhetoric here when its got nothing to do with naturism?

I honestly couldnt care less what people talk about, but I do care that they identify as a naturist to justify a childish fascination with their cock.

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