Warning neighbors
How many of you tell neighbors about your nude activities.
Only time I did was when a new neighbor, widowed older gentleman, move in next door.
When I went over to introduce myself, he mentioned that he liked to leave his back yard lights on after dark.
This was before we got our privacy fence.
I told him I liked to leave my swimsuit off after dark, but I wouldn't complain about the light if he didn't complain about what he might see because it was on.
Best thing I did was tell neighbor but I did by text , I got tired of sneeking around my own yard it took a few minit's to get back with me but he said they had no problems with it know if I am out in the yard I doint have to hide both him and his wife wave or say hi when they see me
Years ago my elderly neighbor stopped by to pick up the mail I had gotten in for them while they had been away. Their home is 1/5 mile up the road but they could see into my backyard at the time. I decided to greet him nude. He did a double take but did not comment. The next year I saw both of them at Turtle Lake nudist resort which is an hour away. I still greet him nude when he stops by about once a year.
Wife and I both are nude at home or when laying in backyard. Neighbor came over once to ask to borrow something. He didnt say a word but the next weekend both he and his wife came over. We now all enjoy being nude . Now we have 2 couples and 3 singles men and a women. We have a nude coffee club. Almost ever Saturday. We are so lucky to hv such great neighbors.
In hindsight, I wish I/we had discussed our lifestyle with our neighbors but have not. I don't see our lifestyle as one that requires "warning" our neighbors. As long as you're not doing anything lewd (depending on your definition) and in their view, then I don't see that simply being nude on your property is something that you should have to warn people about. I think it implies that your simple everyday nudity is wrong.
I guess I would have just told them that we are nudists and we use our backyard nude most every day. It's the way we live and do everyday things inside their home and out in the privacy of their backyard, just as they do, only naked. Our next door neighbors have a two story home. They have 2 windows with a view of our backyard. Only one of those had a full view but they'd have to stand in their shower to see us. The other had a view of 1/2 our backyard but both windows now have no view because of the trees we've planted.
Nonetheless, I'm sure before the trees matured and in some other rare cases, they've seen me naked and most likely both of us naked at one time or another. They are nice neighbors though not overly friendly. They've alerted us when they have overnight quests and they are staying in the one room that overlooks our side yard where our trash bins are. They know we empty the trash naked and let us know there is someone in that room, other than them, that might see us. I think we'll leave well enough alone. They have some noisy parties, their dog barks all the time and occasionally, they have too much wine and argue outside. We don't give them grief and I'm sure they see not saying anything about our nudity as payment in return.
My neighbors can not see the yard since we have woods and bushes that provide privacy. The only house that can see our yard had a older couple living there for years. He often did gardening in shorts shirtless. I mentioned to him I do garden and mow the lawn nude. He said no worries, and the others near by said we will honk when we come to see you. The UPS driver has seen me nude, not a problem I see him at the gym. I have a push blade mower so it is quiet and relaxing to mow. The wildlife seems calmer when I am nude working as compared to rare times I wear clothing,. I will be getting new neighbors so I will not be sure yet how they may respond. If I have to I may have to wear a thong.
Our next door neighbor are like 10 years or so younger then us , he told me nudity was not there thing but it did not bother them , but this last heat wave we had we seen them letting there dogs out not wearing alot so that might of changed lol