RE:Warning neighbors

My back garden is surrounded by tall trees. All my neighbours (and the rest of the village) know I'm a nudist. They know I'm likely to be naked in the garden when it's warm enough. Only one can see in and then only from a bedroom window. They accept my nudity - she has come over to talk to me while I was naked behaving as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Another neighbour complained that she couldn't see into my garden. Knowing what she would see she cut down one of the screening trees (it has regrown since).

Occasionally a neighbour has come into my garden while I've been sunbathing. They know what to expect but sometimes are surprised.

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RE:Warning neighbors

I couldn't agree more, I believe that if kids were exposed to more nudity instead of voilence the world would be a better and safer place

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RE:Warning neighbors

I haven't told my neighbors and probably won't. Our house sits on 2 1/2 acres with at least 100' from the neighbors on each side. On one side my backyard is covered with palmetto bushes and the house is set back from the house on that side so no worries. On the other side our house is again set back from the garage apartment there. They have horses in the back portion and the barn is on the other side of their property so unless they are out back with the horses than they can't see me. I know their horses have gotten an eyeful though!

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RE:Warning neighbors

Our property is very secluded so no need to warn the neighbors they most likely they won't show up unexpected. We do have a sign on the way up the driveway they can see and I know they have seen us before walking/working around the property. It from a distance but I'm sure they have figured it out.

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RE:Warning neighbors

The little I've tried has met with some resistance. But fortunately we have land on the mountains where it's mostly isolated. But I do wear something light most of the time around the buildings in sight of neighbors passing by on occasion randomly. Except when I know there's no one around, and stepping out at night. Some light loose shorts is next door to naked, so it's no big deal. But I work a lot off in the woods and back where I'm clearing land for agriculture ventures, so I can get in plenty of naked working time. Although now through early spring the weather will limit it to the occasional warmest days. The last 3 days have been very nice and I got in a good bit of time cutting firewood up there clothless.

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RE:Warning neighbors

Neighbor 2 houses away has been cutting our mutual next door neighbor's grass as he is 80+ and not up to doing it any more.
Today he accidentally cut my pool return line that runs along the fence. He said he would fix it later in the day.
Since he is well over 6' tall, I told him to let me know when he was going to do it since I only wear a swimsuit when we have company.
He replied that if he had a pool and fence like mine, he wouldn't wear one either.

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RE:Warning neighbors

I haven't warned anyone but word gets around. They have warned each other. I live in a rural area and neighbors cant see my house or even into my yard around the house. A few people have showed up unexpected and discovered I was naked and one was snooping around the edges of my property. They all know to call before they show up here.

Living in a very rural area, with only a small number of people living within a mile each direction, I can attest to the "word gets around" factor! That's true of just about everything, in fact. Between being "caught" several times over the years, photographed by my hunting friends trail camera, and the "Clothing Optional" signs that I had posted on my porch and fence for a few years, it's pretty much community knowledge that I'm a nudist.

Proof of general knowledge came along again recently when a guy that lives 1/2 mile from me (my nearest neighbor on that side) pulled into the driveway on his ATV. Working in the back yard, and hearing the ATV, I went to the gate to see who it was. Oddly, I was actually dressed at the time. When he heard me opening the gate, he hollered "get out of the pool and put some clothes on and come on out here". He was grinning about it. One of these days, he'll do that and I'll be nude...and I'll come on out that way!

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RE:Warning neighbors

A little while back I was having a Sunday afternoon cocktail with one set of my neighbors and because my shorts are always sliding down it prompted his wife to ask am about my tan lines or lack there of. So I let them know that I tan nude sometimes in our boat in the driveway so as not to offend all the neighbors (because no other neighbors can see). Then I pointed out that some of the windows in their house would easily be able to see if I was out tanning and both proceeded to mention that it would not be a problem.
I haven't been out tanning when they are home since but I'm sure it will happen sooner or later. I just hope they remember our previous conversation so its not a surprise to them.
They are very cool neighbors bye the way.

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RE:Warning neighbors

We got a new neighbor (single male) on the side that has a partial view of my pool even over the privacy fence. I had put up some screening above the fence so that he couldn't see over it. I took it down recently. He made a comment wanting to know why I had it there in the summer. I told him I usually did my swimming, sunning and pool maintenance nude. He said I didn't need to bother with it for his sake and he didn't care what I wore or didn't wear, even if he could see something over the fence.

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RE:Warning neighbors

We had a younger couple move in next door to us last year. We have gotten to know them pretty well and they were over a couple weeks ago and I started up the firepit. the neighbors across the street joined us, After a while the young couple was talking about how they were having problems keeping clothes on their 2 year old. I was telling them to just leave him alone. There is nothing wrong with it, That's when my dear wife blurted out, he's ( pointing at me ) naked in the yard all the time... I don't think it phased any of them. I guess it is safe to says they have now been warned.

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