
No shame here, becoming a nudist was ...let's say a freeing experience, what benefits have you gained from this??

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We simply would rather be naked. 24/7 if we could, in a couple years that will be possible?

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Less washing, expenses to buy clothes.....

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No shame here, becoming a nudist was ...let's say a freeing experience, what benefits have you gained from this??

Meeting some pretty amazing, lifelong, close friends from CO. We hear from them more than our textile friends that live 30 mins away.

I'm pretty sure I was born a nudist and as my wife says, it's in my DNA. Thing is, her grandmother seemed to like being naked quite a bit and my wife rolled right into being a nudist from the start of our marriage so I think she's got some Nudist DNA as well.

The benefits are but not limited to; closer relationship, positive outlook on life, our bodies feel better and are healthier when naked and the freedom of experiencing many environments while nude; forest, mountains, ocean, beaches, desert and the suburbs!

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Agree. Love being nude. Social coffee time/conversation in the morning at nude campsite is my favorite time.

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Well to me some of the benefits are as some have makes the body feel more free and relaxed. It also makes people be closer and have no hang ups..I have been a nudist for so long that its second nature for me and when I do dress its really weird lol..only time I do dress now is for work or errands.
But also there is a lot less washing of clothes lol but even in public its a wonderful makes us all be on even ground with no judgements

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There is no shame in being nudists, or letting others know that you are. We feel that some of the major benefits from being nudists are the comfort and relaxation gained from not wearing clothes, the most mundane tasks seem more fun when nude, enjoying activities like hiking free of clothing(it feels so right to be naturally naked in natural places), socialising with other nudists (we all are our true selves with no clothing to camouflage or create misleading impressions).

Living nude 24/7 was mentioned above, we'd love to live like that too, currently its just a dream, we still work and unfortunately not in a nudist environment. We live nude year round at home and never get fed up with 24/7 nudity on holiday so we know its our ideal too. Good luck to those who plan to live the best way full time.

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Complete and total JOY! Feeling more alive, happy, non-judgmental, freedom, acceptance of body and soul . . . . The list, for me, just goes on and on. The thing that sticks out most though is JOY! I am not a depressed person at all (clothed or nude), but naked my heart sings and feels no repression of my inner being.

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Complete and total JOY! Feeling more alive, happy, non-judgmental, freedom, acceptance of body and soul . . . . The list, for me, just goes on and on. The thing that sticks out most though is JOY! I am not a depressed person at all (clothed or nude), but naked my heart sings and feels no repression of my inner being.

"Feeling more alive..." sums up how living as a nudist really does feel.

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Growing up I allways felt weard that I enjoy going nude but it never stoped me from enjoying even tho I was alone .one good thing about the Internet I see there is a lot of people that were in same situation glad I was not the only one

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