
When I come home from somewhere, I will sometimes say to my wife something about doing something as soon as i change, meaning taking what I am wearing and being nude. My wife says changing implies putting something on, not just taking things off and I should just say as soon as I take my clothes off.
Any thoughts on this?

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You are changing from being clothed to being unclothed. Therefore, your attire is being changed. However, you have not significantly changed yourself in the brief time it takes to disrobe.

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Shes right, but then you been married long enough to know that already :)
I just say when I get comfortable...

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She is wrong!

Synonyms for change

Synonyms: Verb
alter, make over, modify, recast, redo, refashion, remake, remodel, revamp, revise, rework, vary

Synonyms: Noun
alteration, difference, modification, redoing, refashioning, remaking, remodeling, revamping, review, revise, revision, reworking, variation

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You are changing from being clothed to being unclothed.

You changed from wearing a set of clothes to your birthday suit. THAT'S a change. Nuff said?

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I guess she is getting used to my definition. I came home from my morning walk and said that I was going to get changed and emerged from the bedroom nude. She didn't comment

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In common usage, when someone says they are going to "change" in reference to clothing, it normally means they are going to take some (or all) of their clothing off and put on different clothing. Thus, the joke when someone says they are going to change into something more comfortable and they emerge nude. It's only a joke because that's not what "change" normally means.

Nonetheless, if you continue to use "change" to mean remove all of your clothing and be nude, she will understand what you mean even if she doesn't accept that usage.

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Nonetheless, if you continue to use "change" to mean remove all of your clothing and be nude, she will understand what you mean even if she doesn't accept that usage.

I agree. In a truly textile world, where people wore clothing even to bed, it is assumed that you were going to replace one article of clothing with another. But in our world, it can simply mean changing from a clothed state to a nude state, and vice versa. In either case, it means "not staying the same."

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I'm reminded of that old phrase in movies. "Please wait while I go and change into something more comfortable." We continually shade meaning when it comes to clothes, among other things (bathroom?), although Aussies may be more direct.

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