Sign, signs, everywhere a sign!

Does anyone else have a sign on the inside of the front door that says "Do you have pants on?", that has been there so long you don't notice it anymore?
Visitors sure do....

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RE:Sign, signs, everywhere a sign!

Not yet but I am thinking about putting a Clothing Optional Beyond This Point sign inside the front door.

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RE:Sign, signs, everywhere a sign!

Take a look at the sign I just finished under Things to do nude category- crafting a truenudity sign.

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RE:Sign, signs, everywhere a sign!

You could have just posted it here in your reply ;-)

Edit; Took a bit but I found it ;-) Look's good. Have you considered going into production mod on them?

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RE:Sign, signs, everywhere a sign!

We had a few signs up at our other house and a few here at this house but they all became faded and old so we took them down and never really replaced them. Everyone that visited saw them and never made any comments. We have a few that reference skinny dipping, nudity and yard/garden art depicting nudity but still, no one wants to engage. No matter, our references are subtle and discreet.

If our nudist friends are visiting, we will put a sign at the front door that reads "Clothing Optional Beyond This Point". It's green and white. Usually it's the guys that step right into the front door and drop their shorts two steps in! :DDD Usually it's the wives that will say, "at least wait til the front door is closed!" ;DDD

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