Uploading to album vs attaching to messages

This idea came up in another group, and I think I prefer it. When I post a photo to a group--as I did a few days ago to this one--I'm going to post it as an attachment to a message, rather than uploading it to the group's album.
If you upload to the album, then when six photos are posted after yours, people with unpaid accounts can no longer see them. I'm sort of supposing that if someone does upload a photo to a group, they'd like members to see them.
BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, if you have an unpaid account, then once six photos are uploaded after yours, YOU CAN'T GET TO THE PHOTOS YOU'VE UPLOADED. Not only can you not see your own photos, YOU'VE LOST CONTROL OF THEM--EVEN TO REMOVE THEM. I'm also guessing that people who upload photos of themselves naked would like to be able to get to those photos later, and to have the option of deleting them.

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RE:Uploading to album vs attaching to messages

Agree with you 100 % , it is not fair to the nude lover and there will be no fun at all
at least you have to set a system to let people even just the member of the Group
to see the whole Album easy if paid or not .
as we are active member at this or any another group and our Photo is the Subject who let the
nude lover target this site , we should set a Policy to get a nice safe sort of content with the other members too
Amo & Semsem

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RE:Uploading to album vs attaching to messages

I agree. Here I am this am with my usual getting in the mood. Want to keep photo legal.

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RE:Uploading to album vs attaching to messages

Why not do both?

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RE:Uploading to album vs attaching to messages

How can you attach a photo to your comments everything I try it never works?

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