I was a first year college student and took potluck with a room mate. He was a nudist thru and thru, He never wore clothes when ever he was around on the floor. He converted me to a nudist and sleeping nude along with being nude on the dorm floor. Our being comfortable with nudity on the floor allowed others to due the same.
- 5 years ago
I started sleeping nude after our children left home. I now sleep nude all the time at home or away even camping in a tent with my buddy a non nudist. My wife is used to it and has no complaints.
- 5 years ago
I have slept naked since I was 12 and have never stopped! I am in 60's now and I absolutely love it!!!
- 5 years ago
I started when I was about 12 or 13.
- 5 years ago
I started sleeping naked at 14-15 and from the 1st time slept NAKED every night since and I'm 64. Never had any pjs only underwear and about the same time stopped wearing underwear also. Around 16 -17 threw every pair of underwear I owned in the trash and have never worn a stitch since. Can't imagine sleeping any other way that completely naked. My dad always slept naked and when I was a kid was very comfortable running around the house naked - so I had a great role model for becoming a nudist and always living naked. naked man
- 5 years ago
I started sleeping naked when I was in Texas back in 1991. I have been sleeping naked almost every night since 2014 because my partner sleeps naked. It feels great. If I with someone who is uncomfortable with me being naked I keep my underwear on. I prefer to sleep naked though.
- 5 years ago
Been sleeping naked since i was 13 it's the only and best way to sleep
- 5 years ago
When I was about 12. Just hated the feeling of anything on me in bed - except another person!!
- 5 years ago
Wow you were bold - awesome!!
- 5 years ago
For me it was age 6-7 I just hated wearing pjs then as I got a bit older I just walked around naked right from getting out of the bath :-)
Wow you were bold - love it!!
- 5 years ago