Safety net

Who keeps a spare pair of shorts or slacks with them when away from home in case of a wardrobe malfunction.
I never did until recently, when I ripped my shorts on the way to a band rehearsal and had to tape them back together. Now I have a pair of shorts in the car when I travel.

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RE:Safety net

I have twice torn my trousers at work. The first time I had a coat long enough to cover up. The second I had to use staples to repair them.

In both cases I bobbed next door to Matalan to buy replacement trousers.

Apparently I bend down wrongly which is why I tear my trousers.

I did have an emergency pair of pants in the car, but that was no use as I was nowhere near my car

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RE:Safety net

That's a great idea to keep a spare pair of pants in the car, better still in my work bag, has I'm always out delivering

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RE:Safety net

Never had an accident before but have to admit it is a great idea to have a spare.

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RE:Safety net

I've had two "accidents" so far.
The first was canal boating where the crotch seam failed over a length of about six inches. In that case I was able to retrieve a pair of black briefs from the boat to wear under my black trousers.
The second was a pair of shorts which split down the fly position as I put them on to have a pre-booked paella at the cafe on the C-O beach. In that case I managed to keep the gap closed until I was choosing ice creams for dessert when I had an "emergence" which amused the young waitress - according to my wife who witnessed it. On leaving the cafe I left the shorts in the nearest litter bin.

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