love my cockrings! and think about getting an pa.what do u think?mhhhhh....
It's the BEST THING I've ever done for ME! I love my 0ga PA... I've had it for over 15-years!
Just Do It!
- 5 years ago
Cockrings are great to wear. They feel great and they look hot. I prefer the metal kinds. Ball stretchers are hot as well.
- 5 years ago
I've worked my PA up to 7mm (2 gauge) and plan to upgrade to 8mm (0 gauge) in February. I wear a heavy circular horseshoe which clinks on my (equally heavy) scrotum piercing as I walk. Just three cautions: (1) it can be difficult to pee straight; (2) the heavy ring adds just a little difficulty when threading my penis through my cock ring and (3) I can't push as heavy a sound into my penis (the PA blocks some of the way).
- 5 years ago
I would not be in a big rush to move up to a 0 gauge from a 2. There is not that much of a difference that I noticed as with the other jumps. And if you have more than one piece of jewelry than you'll have to buy more to replace all that.
Just my thoughts.
- 5 years ago
I love my cockrings too, Im wearing my metal one now. As far as the pa goes its not for me, but its never bothered me to see a man with one.
- 5 years ago
I love my cockrings too, Im wearing my metal one now. As far as the pa goes its not for me, but its never bothered me to see a man with one.
- 5 years ago
Threading my cock ring over my PA is not a problem. Indeed the PA helps tease my penis through the ring.
I went for a nude audition last week and they were intrigued by my (now 8mm or 0 gauge) PA and other piercings.
- 5 years ago
Just get them all! You can always retire them but you'll probably keep them. I've got a PA, frenum and guiche. Been that way 8 years and love them.
- 5 years ago
Ive had a pa now for 12 years... get it. Youll love it.
If you want to talk about it Im open.
- 5 years ago
I'm going to soued behind the times, but I've led a supir bysy life and then straight upside down by illness, thus nivir given the time to either play or learn about thise additional items, so if you have time, what items do you have and how do they do good, help, psovide, pleasure, fun, or any other benefits, as I believe you'd be the ne to both ask and learn from. Hgefully, your still cool to tell it all please...
Regards Aj...
- 4 years ago