As I venture down this new path, looking to make my home (and body!) healthier and happier, it is interesting to read the viewpoints of those already farther along.
Great input here, thanks! This string of advice helps me to better understand the adage that young people are tired when the job is done, but older people are tired before it starts. I find myself putting on the brakes and thinking about things more than when I just rolled up my sleeves and dove in, but the benefit is that I meet my goals and have good results to show for it. Now that my sons are both in high school and exploring their independence, I have more time for myself.
I agree with the importance of staying active. That way when things go south my recovery is quick and my conditions are less likely to become chronic. Not only that, I occasionally find my physical shape envied by men in their prime. Then I can nod to encourage their choices in one of those ways where the dadness of life has been thrust upon me and I'm just showing up and it's all good.
I am 46. In a steady monogamous relationship.
My best advice, is to stay grounded. Communicate better, be respectful always, smile and laugh.
Love yourself most of all.
We are all moving through age.
Skin tightens and then loosens, genetics have their hand it that.
Enjoy the journey. If you have lived this long, you have outlived a lot of other people. Lose toxic people, friends or relatives. Life is too short. Exercise daily. Get out of the house even if you don't want to. Stretch a few times a week. We are like elastic bands, if we don't stay limber, we lose mobility.
I find that at 46 I am losing muscle mass. I have a home gym, to stay fit. It's when we stop doing these things that we see the effects.
Have or build interests. I love to read, refinish furniture, write poetry, bake and share with others.
Pay it forward. If you had a good turn done to you, pass it on. Makes the world a better place.
Focus on things that bring people together, rather than divide us. It's easier to find differences than similarities. It's a trick of the mind.
Take the benefit of the doubt for yourself, instead of letting others walk over you.
It's ok to say NO. It's ok to take time for you and not answer the phone, or check phone notifications.
Ok, I am off my soapbox now :). Great post.
I am 46. In a steady monogamous relationship.
My best advice, is to stay grounded. Communicate better, be respectful always, smile and laugh.
Love yourself most of all.
We are all moving through age.
Skin tightens and then loosens, genetics have their hand it that.
Enjoy the journey. If you have lived this long, you have outlived a lot of other people. Lose toxic people, friends or relatives. Life is too short. Exercise daily. Get out of the house even if you don't want to. Stretch a few times a week. We are like elastic bands, if we don't stay limber, we lose mobility.
I find that at 46 I am losing muscle mass. I have a home gym, to stay fit. It's when we stop doing these things that we see the effects.
Have or build interests. I love to read, refinish furniture, write poetry, bake and share with others.
Pay it forward. If you had a good turn done to you, pass it on. Makes the world a better place.
Focus on things that bring people together, rather than divide us. It's easier to find differences than similarities. It's a trick of the mind.
Take the benefit of the doubt for yourself, instead of letting others walk over you.
It's ok to say NO. It's ok to take time for you and not answer the phone, or check phone notifications.
Ok, I am off my soapbox now :). Great post.
I am 46. In a steady monogamous relationship.
My best advice, is to stay grounded. Communicate better, be respectful always, smile and laugh.
Love yourself most of all.
We are all moving through age.
Skin tightens and then loosens, genetics have their hand it that.
Enjoy the journey. If you have lived this long, you have outlived a lot of other people. Lose toxic people, friends or relatives. Life is too short. Exercise daily. Get out of the house even if you don't want to. Stretch a few times a week. We are like elastic bands, if we don't stay limber, we lose mobility.
I find that at 46 I am losing muscle mass. I have a home gym, to stay fit. It's when we stop doing these things that we see the effects.
Have or build interests. I love to read, refinish furniture, write poetry, bake and share with others.
Pay it forward. If you had a good turn done to you, pass it on. Makes the world a better place.
Focus on things that bring people together, rather than divide us. It's easier to find differences than similarities. It's a trick of the mind.
Take the benefit of the doubt for yourself, instead of letting others walk over you.
It's ok to say NO. It's ok to take time for you and not answer the phone, or check phone notifications.
Ok, I am off my soapbox now :). Great post.
Why not say what is bothering you in a more concrete way?
So you want me to be more honest with myself and others? It's much easier just to take off my pants.
I see my middle-aged dilemma like this: I'm too old to have the forward-thinking confidence of youth, nor do I have the chill wisdom of a wiser, older sage who's retired and seems to have time to consider everything calmly and deeply. My accomplishments seem outdated and my future is not established. I've struggled my whole life to build security and I find myself feeling only more - not less - vulnerable.
There's a Swedish saying: there's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes. Perhaps that drives my middle aged anxiety. It's October and am I ready approaching the winter of my life? Or is the idea of security really an illusion? So what advise do I seek from those younger? To have fun without security. From those older? To be secure without fun or a lot of shit that can't hold true value. From those nudist? To show up naked anyway. Maybe there's no such thing as good or bad clothes, because weather is just an illusion. The more I figure out, the less I seem to know and maybe that's the point. Maybe there's a reason that it's much easier just to take off my pants.
You are in control of your own life and you make it what you want it to be.You can either get on the slide that gives you a quick ride to your eternal dirt nap or you can climb another hill and admire the beauty of another day. It's up to you
A good philosophy! I too find that fitness gives me some street cred out there. It's all attitude.