A newbie
I'm a complete newbie I kno my profile says ive been a nudist for a number of year but I've mostly been a home nudist. when no ones home i shed my clothes and love to walk around free it feels good and I love it. I like skinny dipping when i can and just being with out clothes its really freeing. BUT and thats a big but lol haha umm I have no nudist friends as where i come from it is seen as somewhat taboo and I'm looking for some cool people to chat with and be friends with on here. Dont be shy i dont bite and I'm super friendly. I look forward to alll your kind responses.
Hi, welcome to the site.
The first thing to understand is that this is the net, and so everyone is very sceptical
because it is perceived, that there are a lot of weirdoes out there.
So the first thing you need to do, is to add as much content to your profile as you can.
Doesn't have to be your life story, just something that at least gives the impression that
you ARE genuine, and interested in naturism, and not just here to perv.
To give a good impression and gain peoples confidence, it will help enormously if you are
very active on the forums and or chatroom, so that everyone can begin to feel that they
are getting to know you.
Follow this link, for more links, to help you get to know how the site works and find your
way around.
There are a lot of great people here,
so go and have some fun!