This trip nudity report

I am on a 2 week tour Bucharest to Kiev. The first two days I did homestay with a local. We barely crossed paths. I took advantage of his absence and was nude around his apartment. This morning he did see me nude when I brought some trash out of the room to throw out. He made no comment. Now in meet up hotel currently with solo room will see soon if that lasts or if I get a random roomie to he nude around.

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RE:This trip nudity report

For the first part of the group tour I had my own room so nudity was not an issue. Night five and six I shared with a young Aussie who did not mention my lack of clothing when I got out of bed the first night. The 2nd not it was the last thing on his mind since he was violently sick with a bug that is jumping around the group. Last night the other guy a young Kiwi and I shared. He did not mind my lack of clothed as I got ready for bed. Six am now with a day of exploring Transcistria ahead of us. Yeah find that country on a map I dare you.

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