This or That: Sunrise or Sunset?

What do you love most? Sunrise or Sunset?


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RE:This or That: Sunrise or Sunset?

Both are nice, but I have to say I prefer sunset. Sunrise is always at such an inconvenient time! I've never been a morning person.

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RE:This or That: Sunrise or Sunset?

Both can be amazing but I think I would have to say, Sunset. Some of our most memorable times together were at Sunset near the ocean.

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RE:This or That: Sunrise or Sunset?

It's sunset for us also. Somehow sunset feels more magical, romantic than sunrise. There are some beautiful lakes surrounded by lots of trees not so far away from where we live and sitting there during sunset is always great :-))

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RE:This or That: Sunrise or Sunset?

For us it's a small beach side town on the Central Coast of California. Large piles of drift wood, gentle waves crashing on the beach and the occasional dolphin or whale off in the distance. Depending on where we choose to sit, we might even see a Sea Otter or two.

A bit of whiskey or even a cup of coffee as we watch the sun set into the ocean. ;-)

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RE:This or That: Sunrise or Sunset?

Oh my....that's a hard choice to make!! When we had our house on the river 3 years ago, I'd say sunset for sure! We had some awesome and amazing sunsets!!!!! Now I guess I'd say sunrise because I see it on the way to work.

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RE:This or That: Sunrise or Sunset?

They are both magical in their own way. One signals the beginning of yet another wonderful day and one reminds us of our blessing to have participated in yet another moment of life on this rock!

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RE:This or That: Sunrise or Sunset?

sunsets. although I have caught a few nice sunrises at the nude beach nearby.

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RE:This or That: Sunrise or Sunset?

It probably depends on which way the beach is facing! Its mostly west when I am near home around Port Phillip or Western Port, but east when holidaying in Queensland. I can adapt as necessary!

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