Any interest in creating a men's social group in/near Charlotte, NC?
Part of why I joined TN was to hopefully meet other guys who would be up for socializing nude. My apartment isn't that big but could probably accommodate 10 or fewer people who were just looking to hang out, chat, socialize. Friday evening or Sunday evenings would be best for me.
I would also love to meet and hang out with local Charlotte nudist brothers. Please let me know when you have a day and time confirmed. I am out of town probably next weekend to nude camp at the Rivers Edge in GA. Other than that, Im free most weekends.
AS I mentioned above, next Friday is out as I have to be out of town, but I'm willing to host a few folks at my apartment near Tyvola/77 on Friday, Oct 11. Send me a PM and I'll give you my e-mail which works significantly better than the mail system in here.
So - first group night was last night. Those of us who were able to attend had a great time just hanging out and getting to know each other.
Looking to do this again, most likely on a Sunday next time. Shooting for Nov 3.
I'll post a separate message about the new meeting later, but reply here as well if you think you could make a late afternoon hang out session on Nov 3.