Rivera - good/bad

I'm still more a house nudist, mainly for laziness factors, but I saw Rivera isn't too far and a good option. Any inputs for it? I really want to find a place I can go jog around with just a pair of shoes. I've been on the site and couldn't tell. I may just go check it out since it's single guy friendly which is definitely a perk.

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Rivera - good/bad

I like it. I have been a dozen times and have enjoyed it. I say check it out. I am hoping that I get back up there soon. I miss being around other nudists.

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Rivera - good/bad

I was there today. I've been a member several years and find it to a good place to go and enjoy the sun. Not a lot of room for jogging, but there was a couple doing a nude power walk today. You can usually find a Volleyball game on the weekends. They have a varied crowd that goes there so you should be able to find people to talk to.. The owner will stay the same, but the current manager is moving on next month.

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Rivera - good/bad

Good to hear, thanks everyone for your inputs. I will definitely check it out when I get back into town in a couple weeks.

This post was edited 5 years ago
  • 5 years ago
RE:Rivera - good/bad

there is also Hidden Lake. I haven't been there but plan on going one day. I think it is in Jay.

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Rivera - good/bad

Ah...and there is a 5K there...I will definitely be going there a couple times. Nothing like running in the buff!

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Rivera - good/bad

I sent my registration form in so will be at the run also. I have never been to Hidden Lake but want to check it out before the run. I am looking forward to running it nude.

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Rivera - good/bad/Try Hidden Lake

I have been a member at Hidden Lake for 2 years. They do two 5K races a year and they have plenty of room for them.
Great people there, no snobs. Nice cool pond to swim in. You can also fish in the big lake, paddle a canoe, kayak, or use a paddle boat.
I tried Riviera, but Hidden Lake to me is much nicer.

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Rivera - good/bad

GOOD ! ..... definitely worth visiting before the pool cools down. Friendly folks, field for jogging, great hot tub, indoor stuff and occasional potluck.

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Rivera - good/bad

Try hidden lake

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  • 4 years ago