Has anyone had experiences (good or bad) with foreskin restoration?

I was looking into this about 15 years ago, and there was a lot of info out there, I just never got there. Was wondering if anyone had experience re-stretching their foreskin, and, if you have, did the glans become more sensitive?

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RE:Has anyone had experiences (good or bad) with foreskin restoration?

I havent, but just looking into it today. Considering the loss of thousands of nerve endings when my foreskin was cut after birth, It seems like only cosmetic improvements. Im not sure how it would change feeling much.

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RE:Has anyone had experiences (good or bad) with foreskin restoration?

I havent, but just looking into it today. Considering the loss of thousands of nerve endings when my foreskin was cut after birth, It seems like only cosmetic improvements. Im not sure how it would change feeling much.

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RE:Has anyone had experiences (good or bad) with foreskin restoration?

I havent, but just looking into it today. Considering the loss of thousands of nerve endings when my foreskin was cut after birth, It seems like only cosmetic improvements. Im not sure how it would change feeling much.

You can do the research but the way you're understanding this is based on trauma and loss. What if you didn't lose everything? I have a very extreme circumcision that is scarred and was almost botched. The frenular nerve made it by a hair. Had it been cut I would have been impotent and incapable of orgasm.

That said, I can stretch the skin and regain some. The benefits of even regenerative foreskin are immediate to the glans. It's moisturized and the layers of calloused thick skin immediately begin softening and healing. If the foreskin was from a partial, that skin has the nerve endings and while density is never reachieved the network of nerves is mapped in the brain which fills in the missing nerve impulses as a function of how the brain works. The smegma glands can regenerate and function and overall most men find it was worth it.

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RE:Has anyone had experiences (good or bad) with foreskin restoration?

I remember hearing about this on Penn & Teller's Bullshit tv show on Circumcision.
Probably a link on the interwebs somehwere.

Stay Naked!

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RE:Has anyone had experiences (good or bad) with foreskin restoration?

Yes, I have been restoring off and on for a couple of years. My penis glans are about 1/2 covered most of the time.

Are you circumcised or natural?

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RE:Has anyone had experiences (good or bad) with foreskin restoration?

I have been restoring off and on for a couple of years.........granted I'm angry at being hacked off at birth.......but gaining skin to help cover the glands does add sensitivity and more enjoyable masterbation........

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RE:Has anyone had experiences (good or bad) with foreskin restoration?

Oh gawd let this thread die :-(

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RE:Has anyone had experiences (good or bad) with foreskin restoration?

I have been restoring my foreskin....off and on for a couple years. I now have about3/4 coverage on my glans.....
Yes, the head of my penis I softer and far more sensitive. Sometimes it almost is overwhelming how sensitive it has become......masterbating or penetration. Ken

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RE:Has anyone had experiences (good or bad) with foreskin restoration?

many supportive guys all working on restoration.
Very helpful, lots of pictures on different techniques and links

Suggest you take a look
I'm SailorKen in the group

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