RE:Men's room observation.

Today while catering a huge company picnic, I took a pre break. I walked into the men's bathroom and went to one of eight urinals to do my business. Four others were occupied. When I got done I turned around to see a young man 20s? waiting until one was open that did not have someone on either side. Really? Are guys that shy?I got one better...More and more younger guys won't even use the urinals. They'll wait for a stall to open and pee in the toilet with the door closed and locked and there are several urinals open! So I'd say, yeah... young guys are really that shy.;D

I've noticed the same thing and it's beyond shy. It's verging on pathological fear. I'm not sure what is causing the problem.

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RE:Men's room observation.

Perhaps this video is more accurate than one would have thought?

I like that video and had seen a cartoon with the same rule of using the urinal furthest away from the one in use.

This video shows a different take on the subject.

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RE:Men's room observation.

So much fascination with other guys'public bathroom habits. We have read a description of the discomfort some of us have lived with despite being nudists, we've read a medical definition. I disagree with the proposition that it is due to opprobrium regarding nudity per se, maybe potty training with impatient, stern caregivers, maybe early experiences of being stalked in a public bathroom. Ultimately for the afflicted man and a helper to work on together.

I am interested in the source of this fascination, noticing others' behavior so carefully. Assigning pathology by many on the thread. Does it make you uncomfortable that someone doesn't share your ease in urinating? Does peeing next to someone form a male bond? Does it matter that you don't see their dick? I am asking as one who for many years had a hard time urinating with someone standing next to or behind me. I had no idea that other guys were paying attention.

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RE:Men's room observation.

As the guy who originally posted the topic I had no idea what if any the responses would be. Yes there were dividers between the urinals. This event had well over 1200 people at and the eight urinals and two stalls was the main guys bathroom. There was a line out the door of the women's room. If the mentality of this young man spreads us guys are going to be waiting like the women do. Pee shy ? Yes I have heard of it. Might be the case here but I seriously doubt it. The engineer thinker in me was annoyed at the very inificenet use of facilities.

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RE:Men's room observation.

From another perspective

In the past I have avoided public restrooms as much as possible. Not through being shy, started at or even someone looking at my dick. I don't mind that at all. I just don't like to use them.
Most public restrooms stink because most guys can't aim or just don't bother and there's never an air freshener that's any use. And on average 95% of users NEVER wash their hands. (source:

If I need to pee in a public restroom I will always use a stall to go for a pee. ALWAYS. Even if I'm the only person in the restroom.
The simple reason being, I hate the thought of splashback from myself or from anyone next to me.
I've never used a urinal or trough in my life and if I'm truthful ... I have no idea where to aim the stream for minimal or no splashback.

For me it's that simple. I'm not shy, I don't have any problems in peeing with others around heck I'll pee in the middle of a packed out arena if you want. As long as I can wash my hands afterwards of course :-)

I hope that gives you another perspective.

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RE:Men's room observation.

Have you noticed how some guys, at a urinal, will position themselves so far into the urinal that they're touching the sides of urinal. My guess is they don't want anyone to see them 1) pee or 2) their dick or 3)both! I think by touching the sides of that dirty urinal, it's far worse than being seen! ughhhh!!
I personally don't stand that close to the urinal. If you want to see what I have, go ahead... enjoy :)

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RE:Men's room observation.

And another perspective, re the efficient use of available facilities. Drives me nuts to finally reach the mens room, due to overriding need to poop, and find some nit locked up pissing in the one stall instead of using one of numerous urinals! And frequently, said nit , has sprayed the dang seat. Good grief people, have some consideration!

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RE:Men's room observation.

I certainly think the younger generation is, as well as a percentage of men between that age and my own (56). You see it in urinal etiquette as well as guys that practically fear getting naked in front of others in a locker room. I can't say what it is about younger men, but certainly I recognize it in situations that years ago men would not have been as shy or as cautious...

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RE:Men's room observation.

I certainly think the younger generation is, as well as a percentage of men between that age and my own (56). You see it in urinal etiquette as well as guys that practically fear getting naked in front of others in a locker room. I can't say what it is about younger men, but certainly I recognize it in situations that years ago men would not have been as shy or as cautious...

One thing that is different today is camera phones. I think the younger generations are fearful of photos of them being shared with others in an unflattering matter.

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RE:Men's room observation.

For me it is slightly different. I don't mind other guys seeing me naked and I don't have a problem with someone seeing me pee (in the past friends have seen it on rare occasions).
In public restrooms I am just not at ease and when it is really noisy I sometimes even have to wait before I can go when using a stall.

The problem for me is the vulnerability of opening up to the world. I have it with urinating, defecating and ejaculating. I need to feel comfortable and either alone or with someone I really trust before I can do it.

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