RE:Men's room observation.

That moisture is URINE!{snip}At the end of the day and numerous trips to the bathroom, don't you smell bad?
When I use urinals I merely wait for the final drips to drop. My wife is particularly sensitive to adverse odours but has never mentioned any urine odours although she regularly picks up on other ones such as sweat.

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RE:Men's room observation.

I have a 00 gauge Prince Albert. I have to sit to pee in order to avoid hosing down the room and soaking the front of my pants. It is s the only disadvantage of a PA.

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RE:Men's room observation.

To Nakedhiker1000. However, too often, I do need to sit down to move my bowels. I am tired of having to clean some other dude's pee off of the seat. Too often, the guys peeing in the stalls, don't lift the seat and pee all over it. I would prefer guys needing to pee use a urinal to keep the seat clean.When I have been at a setting where a tattoo or jewelry is visible, I say something and probably ask a question. I presume they are to draw attention. If the tattoo or jewelry is in a penis, it is there to draw attention to the penis.
I am with you 100% on the dislike for wet toilet seats. It really pisses me off, excuse the obvious pun. I often use public restrooms for sitting and I have no patience or tolerance for guys who spray or drip urine on toilet seats. If guys use a stall they should either sit to pee or clean off the seat. Fortunately the men's rooms I often use has a hand sanitizer dispenser and I grab a few paper towels, pump some Purell onto them and wipe the seat. I hate that I have to do it but many men and boys are very inconsiderate when it comes to peeing in toilets.

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RE:Men's room observation.

I agree I seen that a lot!! I,m amused with the guys who dont flush the toilet when they finished doing there business do they do that at home??

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RE:Men's room observation.

I agree I seen that a lot!! I,m amused with the guys who dont flush the toilet when they finished doing there business do they do that at home??

Possibly because the majority of public rest rooms have automatic flush, they assume they all do without checking to make sure.

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RE:Men's room observation.

And another perspective, re the efficient use of available facilities. Drives me nuts to finally reach the mens room, due to overriding need to poop, and find some nit locked up pissing in the one stall instead of using one of numerous urinals! And frequently, said nit , has sprayed the dang seat. Good grief people, have some consideration!

At least if someone is inside and taking a pee, you won't long to wait and the stall won't stink ;-)
And speaking for myself .... I ALWAYS raise the seat to pee. I won't usually put the seat back down tho in case the flush is a bit aggressive and splashes the seat.

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RE:Men's room observation.

Yeah, pee shy is a thing.
Weird how one can be a nudist by be pee shy. Meh.

Also, funny how guys will be all crude in lots of situations, but when you go in the bathroom and someone is in the toilet, they will literally stop all bodily functions and not make a sound even though they have to go to the bathroom.
(Granted there are some exceptions) But now it is like they are afraid of offending someone.

Stay Naked!

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RE:Men's room observation.

For me it is slightly different. I don't mind other guys seeing me naked and I don't have a problem with someone seeing me pee (in the past friends have seen it on rare occasions).In public restrooms I am just not at ease and when it is really noisy I sometimes even have to wait before I can go when using a stall.The problem for me is the vulnerability of opening up to the world. I have it with urinating, defecating and ejaculating. I need to feel comfortable and either alone or with someone I really trust before I can do it.

i consider displays of vulnerability to be among my strongest turn ons, and they have such a profound effect on me for exactly those reasons. They speak undeniably of a comfort in my presence, a peace of spirit, a trust in heart, or at the very least they have seen something in me that tells them to take the chance and accept the risk of loss along with the hope of something gained in continuing. It is in the moment active intimacy, and I make no secret I revere it.I couldn't hide it if I thought to try. It could be something even physically gross, but my spirit would still see a beauty in it


Butttttt anyway....yeah. Pee. Yeah, I had it when I was school age and all through college. I don't know when or how it began. I just know it could be excruciating at times. My worst was around age 15, at the stadium to see the Braves. Totally packed. All but impossible to make it to a stall. I went through the motions at several urinals trying to look the part, but eventually I was hurting so bad that I was crying in pain and still whimpering when the crowd eventually chanced to clear a few moments and I was finally able to go. My bladder was still stinging like needles by game's end about two innings later after the pee had taken place. 30+ years later and I still know exactly the when and the where. that tells you the level of pain.

shortly after college, between 25-30, it just suddenly...stopped. like competely and through no real action of my own. i marvelled at it, puzzling over wanting to know what changed. but whatever. i'm still completely excited about it when i stop to really ponder it.

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RE:Men's room observation.

whats your problem with?

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RE:Men's room observation.

I'm not really pee shy in a mens room however there was one time I was at a huge outdoor concert. The line to the mens room was crazy long but the line for the womens room was 5 times longer. I noticed some women were in the mens room line because it was shorter. My thought at the time was "if you don't mine, I don't either". When I finally got into the building, the stalls did not have doors and I could see women sitting in them. I stepped up to the urinal and nothing would happen. It surprised me that I could not pee in front of a women!

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