Baby Penis

I love to be naked, second only to sex. However anytime there is another guy around that is even slightly larger I become very embarrassed. Is there anything I can do short of surgery? I'm really considering having surgery. What do you women think here is a soft and hard pic. Keep in mind I'm 6'4" and 220lbs.

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RE:Baby Penis

I love to be naked, second only to sex. However anytime there is another guy around that is even slightly larger I become very embarrassed. Is there anything I can do short of surgery? I'm really considering having surgery. What do you women think here is a soft and hard pic. Keep in mind I'm 6'4" and 220lbs.

This may sound harsh, but get over it. I understand that this is a huge problem for you, but really, nobody else cares. One of the best things about social nudity is that you get to see other people naked. You get to see that people are all shapes, sizes, colours, and that nobody is perfect. People have flab, people have scars, people are disfigured, people have limbs missing, and yes some people have huge willies while others don't.

I went walking one day with a group who's leader had a penis like a pendulum, while because it was cool, mine was almost invisible. It didn't affect my enjoyment of the walk, and nobody noticed anything, or at least said nothing and gave not indication. They definitely didn't point and laugh.

"Man up" is a phrase I hate, as it is often aimed at people with anxiety or depression issues. "Man up" only makes things worse as it belittles what it a serious life changing problem. However, sometimes, like now, it is appropriate.

Big men do not have big willies. I could not see the photo's you posted, but I'm pretty certain your penis is not as small as mine, and if it is, then the only person to care is you. Get yourself out there, enjoy being naked in company. Concentrate on the people around you - the people, not their bodies - and eventually you will realise that how you look does not matter. The more you do it, the easier it gets - honest

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RE:Baby Penis

I love to be naked, second only to sex. However anytime there is another guy around that is even slightly larger I become very embarrassed. Is there anything I can do short of surgery? I'm really considering having surgery. What do you women think here is a soft and hard pic. Keep in mind I'm 6'4" and 220lbs.

Judging by the photo's on your profile, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Body image issue's tend to run stronger women, but some men suffer from this also. It is going to be a matter of adjusting your mind set to accept your self for who and what your are. I have recommended to other men with this concern, to take a look at a lot of the member profiles here. You will see that many of us are growers not showers, and many are comfortable posting pictures of them selves with a totally relaxed penis at 1 or 2 inch long. I suspect that some of the larger one's were probably played with to get them bigger for the pictures ;-)

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RE:Baby Penis

I totally agree! Enjoy and be proud of the body you were given. You are unique and one of a kind. Get over it.

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RE:Baby Penis

Consider your penis "classically proportioned" like the ancient Greeks and Romans. Why not settle for being hung like Michelangelo's David? We only can control so much. I recommend core strengthening to make your package more pronounced. We typically sit a lot and have what's called postanterior tilt with weak glutes and our crotches tucked in. Add some belly fat and our manhood becomes like rodent disappearing down a hole. Toned abs and developed glutes let us strut our God-given stuff, and it's all good, and better than surgery since we feel great after exercise, too. Good luck.

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RE:Baby Penis

that's so right. not just david, look at all those other statues...all of them tiny guys. i've life modeled a few times and most artists prefer it...a large penis is a distraction to the composition. needless to say, i fall into the classic category myself.

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RE:Baby Penis

I love to be naked, second only to sex. However anytime there is another guy around that is even slightly larger I become very embarrassed.
The photos in your profile show you to have a bigger penis than most men, including myself. And I've seen very small ones sported by confident nudist men. So don't get hung up on it. The penis is just one (small) part of a man. It's the whole man that matters - body and personality. Just enjoy being naked.

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