RE:Home deliveries

A few months ago a courier delivered something to my place. I answered the door nude and stood behind the door so he didn't see much. I had to sign for the delivery so I took the device he had and let the door close while I signed then opened the door in the same way. He likely knew I was nude but nothing was said. I am nude at home all the time so it was nice not to rush around to cover up to answer the door.

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RE:Home deliveries

I will have shorts or a robe on if I'm expecting the delivery such as food. If I'm not expecting a delivery, I will usually crack open the door and ask them to wait a minute while I go put a robe robe for this purpose is by the back door as I usually put it on to go outside and around the corner of the house that is visible to neighbors. Now, if it is NOT a delivery, then I will answer the door in my natural state and partially visible to the person...enough for them to be aware that I'm nude and decide how they want to proceed with their business. Anyone who then wants to engage with me IN MY HOME will be doing so while I'm nude. That's their choice.

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