Dream Cars

No matter fictional or real, what are your dream cars?


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RE:Dream Cars

1968 Chevy Camaro convertible. Bright yellow!!! :-)

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RE:Dream Cars

Delorean time travel car!

68 Dodge Charger;D

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RE:Dream Cars

428 Cobra, blue and white..

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RE:Dream Cars

I was driving a 69 GTO at the time but I came across a Boss 429. I wanted that car but was about $500 short. If I could have landed that a held on to it. They are worth a pretty penny now. But the car I really wanted was a Sunbeam Tiger II with a big hunking V8 in it. That was the past. If I were to say what my dream car is now, I would have to think on it. May be an Earthroamer. Does that count? It's really an RV.

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RE:Dream Cars

VW Beetle 53/Herbie edition!

Fictional, I guess this comes as no surprise: The Batmobile. With the Batmobile from Tim Burton's 1989 Batman as my no 1 favorite.

Some of my partner's favorites (he has a lot of favorite cars and much more a car enthusiast than I am) a 1982 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am (Knight Rider/KITT) and a Corvette C4 (the one Face is driving in The A-Team).


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RE:Dream Cars

Speed Buggy. (Talking cartoon car.) Or Knight industry two thousand. (Kitt).

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RE:Dream Cars

1958 Plymouth Fury - Christine.

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