Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

I have always worn a hospital gown for colonoscopies; the doctor was able to open the back.

I have been examined by a urologist; I had my penis and scrotum fully exposed lying on a table. I felt relaxed about the procedure.

I had my gallbladder removed. After the surgery a doctor came into my room with a group of residents. He asked to examine the incisions; he pulled my gown up and I was lying fully exposed to 6 people both male and female. I felt relaxed and a little excited.

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

Have had numerous colonoscopies, I'm retired military and get all medical attention at the VA. Every time having the procedure I have been downed and always treated with the most respect. A few years ago I was diagnosed with bladder cancer the procedure was a success and have since been cancer free. I am required to have a bladder scope annually this is done by running a camera into the bladder through the penis. The scoping only takes a few minutes and I go in dressed, drop my pants lie on the bed then covered with a proximity cloth. The entire time my penis is exposed and the staff is mixed. The Dr's. are usually residents, some are a bit intimidated (my observation) others appear to have a sense of humor and are comfortable. My comfort level remains calm as it Don't think there are any sexual connotations it is a medical procedure after all.

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

I have had numerous colonoscopies but my first one is my most memorable one. My gastroenterologist was a good friend & colleague and when I was taken into the scope room I was asked if it would be alright if some nursing students observed the procedure. Being an instructor myself in a medical field it was no problem for me, so in comes 3 female nursing students. When Jimmy came in to start the procedure I told him I didn't want a sedative and I wanted him to put the teaching scope on the gastroscope so I could watch while he did the procedure. Of course he thought I was crazy, but I made it clear of what I wanted: "it is my body he was invading and I was going to see what he was doing!!!" The nursing students seemed to be having fun watching me & Jimmy arguing about how the procedure was going to go! As he was doing the procedure I was talking to the nursing students and sharing the teaching scope with them so they could actually see what the doctor saw and what he was doing. It is a lot better today since everything is connected to monitors where everyone in the room can see what is going on. BTW - I have an appointment in the morning to see another gastroenterologist (since Jimmy has done what I did and retired) in preparation for my next colonoscopy.

Just one year ago I had to have surgery on both testicles. They both had hydroceles on them and the right one had a spermatocele on it. So starting with my primary doctor (female), to the urology nurse practitioner (another female), to finally the surgeon (what do you know - a male this time!), then on to ultrasound for imaging (another female!) in prep for surgery. Throughout all this everyone was feeling around with and observing my whole package. And then there was the followup for the next 6 months by all of those involved checking for healing and scar tissue! So it's been "drop your drawers" every time I have seen a doctor for over a year now!

Being a medical professional and a nudist none of this ever bothered me even though I have work over the years with several of the people who were treating me and very few of them know that I am a nudist.

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

I had several colonoscopies before. Like what others talked about, my ass was exposed during the procedure. The beauty is that I was sedated (perhaps partially or fully, depending which time), so I had no idea what happened.

I recently had a cystoscopy. The experience was a bit weird! I was wearing a hospital gown and my underpants were off. In the operation room, I was asked to lie down, put my legs up, as though when I were to give birth. And yes, my penis was totally exposed during the whole time. Whether one is a nudist or not, it's a bit awkward. It was uncomfortable when the scope was inserted into my penis and when it was moving around my bladder. The weird thing is they were pumping fluid into my bladder, likely towards the end of the procedure, but I totally didn't feel it. As the other person mentioned, the nurses actually recognized me as I work in that hospital. It's kind of feeling odd in this case! I definitely don't want to go through this again, but I know that I will have to! :(

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

It's a little while since I had a cystoscopy but for the event was dressed only in a surgical gown. This was lifted clear of the pubic area by the make nurse just prior to the doctor taking hold of my penis and inserting the scope. It was not an unpleasant experience and as I was positioned to see the monitor it was interesting to see parts of my anatomy that never see daylight. Will no doubt have to have one done again sometime, and definitely not worried about it. Whilst both nurse and doctor were male not worried if female involved.

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

It's a little while since I had a cystoscopy but for the event was dressed only in a surgical gown. This was lifted clear of the pubic area by the make nurse just prior to the doctor taking hold of my penis and inserting the scope. It was not an unpleasant experience and as I was positioned to see the monitor it was interesting to see parts of my anatomy that never see daylight. Will no doubt have to have one done again sometime, and definitely not worried about it. Whilst both nurse and doctor were male not worried if female involved.

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

I saw this entry on my regular feed and decided to join the group and contribute a story.

Yes, I have had a couple of colonoscopies and a Cystoscopy and other tests done while half or fully naked.

I have had too many dr visits, tests and procedures to count that include some form of nudity.
Unfortunately, I had been under anasthesia so cant recall how enjoyable it was being naked.

Im sure Ill remember the name of the procedure later, but I had a bladder stone (a kidney stone only lower). Once again, I was under anasthesia while a thick hose was inserted into my penis so the dr could break up the stone.

My urologist once inserted a thick cable into my penis so he could look inside my bladder.
My cancer surgeon who did the cystoscopy regularly has me drop my pants and bend over his table while he inserts his finger into my anus.

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

I refused sedation both times. Yes. It's uncomfortable, but that's it -- just uncomfortable. Big deal.

Wow, how did it feel when they put the "scope" inside your ass? You must also feel the tube going inside!

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

Im sure Ill remember the name of the procedure later, but I had a bladder stone (a kidney stone only lower). Once again, I was under anasthesia while a thick hose was inserted into my penis so the dr could break up the stone.My urologist once inserted a thick cable into my penis so he could look inside my bladder.

Transurethral cystolitholapaxy?!?

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

Had the option of not being sedated for my colonoscopy but I opted not.
As I recall the gown was open in back but kept the front covered.

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