RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

I'll be quite honest in saying that I don't remember the correct term for the exam that I had, but it was to view my bladder ......

That's Cystoscopy - kind of a weird word!

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

Some years ago i need to have a kidney stone removed by endoscopy. It got stuck in the ureter so it was the only way to get it out. The procedure was done with sedation so i only remember the preparatory steps. I got naked and worn a gown (don't know why since I was put on the table with that completely open) . Then a nurse came to do the asepsis. I was with my legs spread out like in a gynecologist table and the nurse started to clean my penis with some alcoholic solution. i'm uncut but my foreskin is short so it covers half of the glans only when the cock is really shrunk. That was the case as I was a bit scared of the operation and after suffering kidney colic for over a week. So he had to pull back the foreskin to clean the head many times. The solution was cold, probably would make me hard if I wan't in such a stress.

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

...... I got naked and worn a gown (don't know why since I was put on the table with that completely open) . Then a nurse came to do the asepsis. I was with my legs spread out like in a gynecologist table and the nurse started to clean my penis with some alcoholic solution...... The solution was cold, probably would make me hard if I wan't in such a stress.

I had a similar experience for my cystoscopy in terms of getting naked, but wearing a gown (just so that we don't walk around naked) and having my cock cleaned by the nurse in a gynaecology table! Yeah, the cleaning solution was a bit cool in temperature too. It was done by a male (probably male for a male patient and female for a female patient). I'm super-hairy in my pube. I don't know if they had to push back my bush when they inserted the tube in my penis. For me, they also put some fluid inside my bladder through my penis. I wasn't sure how they did that as it was done while they looked at my bladder through the scope. I was awake throughout the procedure. It wasn't painful, but uncomfortable when the tube moved around in my penis and bladder.

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

The endoscope has lots of stuff in it......

You must be a urologist or a physician! How do you know so much about it???

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

This is almost exactly my experience having colonoscopies, although I didn't have trouble with the prep. To be clear it is not at all pleasant tasting stuff and it was a challenge drinking it, but I didn't have trouble holding it down. The morning of the procedure I stripped, put on a gown, had my initial vitals and preliminary exam by nurses. The doctor very briefly checked in with me and went over once again the procedure. A male nurse stuck the sensors on my hairy chest. There was no shaving. I was wheeled into the room for the procedure. And there were two women, but one just was setting equipment and moving around while the other was making small talk. I was put on my side, the doctor entered, as my anaesthesia was being administered my gown was opened and that's the last thing I remembered until I woke up in the recovery room. A guy came to check on me and pulled those tabs off my chest taking hair with them. I've never had a cystoscopy but many years ago when I was in my 20s I was checked for a suspected bladder infection. The urologist had me naked from the waist down, in just a tshirt. He gave me an exam like none I had ever had before or since. I've had many regular DREs since then where the doctor inserts and probes my prostate, but that time, I'd never had a prostate exam so the whole thing was unexpected. He was very gentle and explained what he was doing as he did it. He sat on a low chair or stool as I stood facing him with my legs slightly spread, his face close to my penis as he reached between my legs, behind my scrotum and inserting his lubed finger up inside me he pressed incredibly hard against my prostate and keeping strong pressure he used his other hand to milk my penis. I was so surprised to know this was even possible and was more surprised to see fluid coming out of my penis, which he collected. It all ended up fine. This of course wasn't a rectal or prostate exam or massage. He was collecting the prostatic fluid by forcing it out my penis for the exam. The normal digital exams are quick and almost over before it begins but so important. I have heard some doctors say they don't need to be done but having watched one friend die of prostate cancer two years ago, and having watched my neighbor undergo treatment for a year and so far survive after being told he did not need a DRE or a PSA test, I encourage every man to get checked regularly. Its really not that uncomfortable a procedure and, not to get too heavy here, but it could save your life.

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

I was having a urinary issue once and scheduled my appointment with a specialist.
I hadn't visited him before.
When I met him, he shook my hand. He was a short squatty man with short, fat fingers.
Once we finished our discussion, he had me turn around and drop my shorts.
This guy had no mercy as he plunged that stubby, fat digit into my pooter and my body reacted with a jolt!
Even though I couldn't see his face, something told me he was smiling at my reaction! (sick bastard)!
I never went back there! He just looked pervy from the git go.

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

Ok the Prep sucks I liked the small bottles of the lemon stuff so try to get that lol Second I striped nude no gown till time to do the do lol those preop rooms are hot lol The first time I had a Colonoscopy was ok till I woke up asking them what they doing to me as I
could feel them cutting the pollaps m/s out of me ouch . Soo from then on I talk to the knock out person to give me enough to keep under till it is over lol The second went smoothly .

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RE:Have you ever had Cystoscopy and/or Colonoscopy? Tell us your experience naked for the test.

I had a couple colonoscopies, what they gave me for sedative knocked me out completely, I would start to come to just as they were close to done. Nothing like waking up just in time to see the inside of your asshole on widescreen high def TV. As for the aftereffects, well it was like you were on a three day binge, without the hangover.

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