You say, you love your Children,
you'd die, for them and theirs,
But your actions, speak much louder,
they say, who, really cares.
Step back, in fact look down as if,
a Star, up in the sky,
And you will see, a crazy World
that's built by you and I.
Forget the Global Warming,
and the melting Polar Cap.
Forget deforestation,
you know, you think it's crap.
Just think about, the oil,
and the War, when it runs out.
Yes, your children, will be dying,
for the Warning you did flout.
And even if, they win the War,
do you think, that they'll survive?
You'll have to think again, my friend,
they'll need, air to stay alive.
So next time, that youre guzzling,
as you 4x4 them off to school.
Remember what youre doing,
and it's just so you look cool.
But think on this, before you put
your head back in the sand.
Your Kids will surely hate you.
It wasn't what you'd planned.
They're bound to say, how could they?
They knew, this was to come.
Yes they will say, they've killed us,
and then there will be none.
But does it, really matter,
in the wider, scheme of things?
For we are just, a tiny blip.
we'll pay for all our sins.
It's sad to think that such a force:
the smartest life on earth
could be so, bloody stupid
as to squander it, from birth.

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