One thing I've learned in life: There are always two sides to a story!I'm not saying this didn't happen, but in this day of political correctness, it's not likely. My guess is that this situation (if real) is being wrongly represented.To Thomas's point on post #22, there's more to this story.Don't be too quick to throw a business under the bus without all the facts.Businesses don't stay in business long if they make bad decisions that would harm their reputation.
That's the point I was making. The business is innocent. The stories are BS
Ok, I will give you my honest experience.... There are LOTS of gay DUDES at nudist resorts, and many of them are married or with women. I have to admit, I'm probably on the more exhibitionist end of being a nudist, so I have drawn attention to myself having a PA and being completely shaved and had many of gay dudes see me naked, and yet I'm still a virgin in my ass... they can look all they want and that's the limit
Unfortunately, there are still homophobes out there. As in the textile world, some folks are so straight they believe whenever two gay people get together they want sex. They also believe all gay people want sex with them. Sad but true. I'm surprised the manager didn't see there could be more to the situation.