RE: Young and old people

When I was young, my Dad would try to teach me things. He would play or challenge me in sports, games, discussions.... I'd think I had the upper hand at times and then my Dad would use a line that I later learned as truth: "I've forgotten more than you'll ever know about _____."That was true for many, many years. Now, I'm almost 50 and he is in his 80's. I finally found a few things where I know more than he does. Very few even still.Wisdom comes only with age and experience but not to everyone. And you can take that to the bank.

wisdom comes with experience, but experience doesn't necessarily come with age. I don't talk about how best to juggle a mortgage and a marriage and raising two kids because I don't have any real life experience or education on that matter. I comment on things like sexuality... because we are sexual from our gestation they have documented proof of identical twins having sexual encounters inside the womb... so is 22 years enough to comment on sexuality and have an informed opinion without getting called a kid? And another thing, just because you're dad forgot more about something than you currently know doesn't mean you don't know something he doesn't, if nothing else you could very well know something he's forgotten. Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes people just figure things out. Perception is a gift, some people learn it and some people just have it. To suggest that your perception is better than mine because you're older? Horse shit. It's also an ignorant attitude. Just because you think that by being around longer means you know more doesn't mean you know enough to stop listening to other people. There's always something you can learn, or relearn. When you enter into a discussion like a public forum was built for (no not online, as in when they originally built them in ancient Greece and Rome) you open yourself up to public debate from anyone who chooses to enter, emphasis on ANYONE. The fact is whether you agree or disagree if you find my opinion so disconcerting you should engage in a response because one thing your age and experience does mean is that you'll be gone from this earth a lot sooner than i will and it'll be my generation making these decisions, an eventually that's really not that far off. How about instead of ignoring what I say or calling me stupid and immature you engage in a rational debate and talk about these almighty things your increased wisdom has bestowed upon you so that I can understand what you do? Otherwise that wisdom isn't worth shit.

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RE: Am I Stupid for asking a question that shouldn't need answering.

yes size matters the size of his brain not his member

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RE: Am I Stupid for asking a question that shouldn't need answering.

yes size matters the size of his brain not his member

Well said.

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RE: why wemen look at the size?

From the posts here it seems that tne 'size matters' question is of more importance and interest to a whole lot more males than the females. Too bad it's still a hangup for so many guys. Question might be thatsome want to just display their large size to anyone for self gratification and comments, using the excuse of nudism. True nudists don't need to care, or to ask this endlessly

Men are bred to be competitive and to boasts about their bigger, better catches. Men are bred to be exhibitionists, in every sense of the word. In man world, bigger is better, something advertisements and popular media echoes. It's not even necessarily a sexual obsession as it is a general desire and expectation bred into men to be the bigger better badder... whatever. It's one of the reasons men are less likely to share their feelings and emotions because that competitive nature is coupled with a belief that things not effecting us is bigger and better.

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Re: Size

Really? Are you kidding me? What does "size" have to do with being a nudist? Wow, another one who just doesn't get it.

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RE: Size

Really? Are you kidding me? What does "size" have to do with being a nudist? Wow, another one who just doesn't get it.

Well in the sense that when you're naked it's visible it does. Also since this is the sex and sexuality section of the forum it clearly was asked in regards to the sexual arena which is clearly OK to the operator of this site since there's a separate forum for it... so while sex is not necessarily a part of nudism if you are a nudist then nudity is a necessary part of sex for you because it's a necessary part of your life in general... therefore it does have something to do with being a nudist as most nudists like most people on this earth as a whole practice sex of some kind.

So... maybe you don't get it. If you didn't want to talk about a sexual topic why did you open a topic that was in the Sex and Sexuality section?

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RE: why wemen look at the size?

it will last longer.

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RE: why wemen look at the size?

it will last longer.

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RE: the size matter?

Whats that old saying..."It's not the heat of the meat but the motion of the ocean"
What does it really matter. Sure, many guys, like being at a sub shop, want to upgrade from the 6 inch to the footlong, but I am guessing the only reason they want that is, like a new car, they want everyone who sees it to be impressed.

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RE: the size matter?

My goodness does having a 10 inch penis make you a better nudist, I don't think so. Sorry I just don't get these threads on a nudist site. You people who ask theses questions belong on True Swingers and not True Nudists!!!

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