RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

Like you I prefer hairy balls. Its def more masculine and as you mentioned keeps your balls from sticking to your leg or getting tugged on when walking.

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

I shave them and trim the rest.

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

For myself, I maintain a waxed package at all times. But I enjoy shaved and furry from a viewing standpoint.

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

I also think that my balls feel sweaty and sticky when shaved. And it is nice to feel up newly shaved balls, but when two days unshaven they feel bristly. In all, I like them better when furry, but I love shaving somebody else's balls, or having mine shaved.

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

Same here. Im average hairy but I like having smooth balls. Shave em about once a month

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

def like mine to be smooth and shaved

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

I tend to go shaved. Just like the feel for me.

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

just furry

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

I like them shaved especially in the summer, feels cooler for me.

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

I prefere my balls to be hairy I seem to attract more guys with my hairy balls and love guys with big hairy balls

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