RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

I prefer shaved. The hair gets in the way of cock rings, etc. Also, who wants a mouth full of hair when sucking cock or balls? I trim the rest if my hair for the same reasons.

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

I shave my balls, but keep the rest of my natural hair... I like to have my balls licked and sucked so this way no one has to worry about a mouth full of hair

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

Shaved for me. Skin on the scrotum is the softest of all. Love the feel and sensation of the smooth sac and balls.

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

I like mine trimmed leaving some "peach fuzz" as a minimum. If they are bare either by a close shave or hair cream removal my balls tend to stick to my thighs and can be uncomfortable at work.

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

My balls are hairy and I prefere hairy hanging balls on guys

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

Hairy backs cracks and sacks are SEXY AF

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

My balls are hairy

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

I keep mine furry - hate itchy balls the few times I've shaved

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

Shaved, it is now a daily procedure. Just love the feel of my soft scrotum skin.

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

I like mine to be shaved smooth I like the look and cooler in the summer months

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