RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

I love a shaved scrotum. The look of all the skin holding those round globes is delightful!

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

I have neer shaved mine, nor trimmed. I really wouldn't know how to go about it because of the sensitivity. I prefer to leave mine and the surrounding areas natural.

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

I prefer to keep mine and the surrounding areas natural.

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

i like furry ones.

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

Guys with a smooth groin give me bone. I am a member of the "Pubes B Gone" club.

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

Eh I can go either way doesnt really matter to me

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

I am a shaver and I think that it is so sexy with all the bare skin on both men and women

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

All smooth, all over

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

I prefer a smooth feeling for my balls, shaft and the entire area. Personal preference.

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RE:do you perfer a scrotum furry, or shaved?

The natural look is always preferred by me.

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