
I would say most of us in this group do sleep nude on a regular basis , if not only ever sleep nude. What thought do you give about safety issues like waking up to the fire alarm going off or smelling smoke? I tend to make sure my Crocs are bedside for a quick slip on and that my glasses are on the nightstand. As for clothes within reach not so much. I figure I don't want to stand outside blind or barefoot if I had to flee in a hurry.
What do the rest of think of about home safety issues?

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I really dont worry about keeping things nearby. I feel if something is wrong I will shock who ever will full natural view. If had to go outside of hotel room, i will grab clothes or towel if available.

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Glasses and gym shorts. Fine for vision and being legally covered. Not really sufficient for cold weather.

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In an emergency nobody will care whether anyone is naked (unless they are cold). They will be dealing with the emergency. Even if it's a false alarm in the middle of the night it would only cause amusement. After all we are supposed to evacuate immediately, not delay to get belongings.

There are a couple of times I've dealt with an urgent situation and only realised I was naked when the panic was over. My friend and I have both been admitted to hospital naked (on separate occasions). The medics, paramedics and others around are more concerned about aiding recovery of the patient. A naked patient might make their job easier. In my case I was naked in hospital for a full week. Then they gave me one of those open-back hospital gowns and my clothes arrived another week later.

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A bathrobe is a good choice in case of an emergency.

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Thats what bug out bags are for...

everything you would need if you need to get out fast

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Guess, I am not the only one who sleeps naked. So - in security case everybody in my neighbourhood then knos: O, he is a man who sleeps naked!

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Ive slept nude for forty years and never once thought about this. Probably should have when I locked myself out of my room, drunk, in a busy hallway at university! Do you guys really worry about this?

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I've slept naked since I was 13 no matter where I was or who I was with, to this day I am the same. As soon as I get home from work I strip naked and stay that way until I have to leave again. Back in 1996 I was in Vegas with my then wife for our anniversary. We stayed at Circus Circus up like on the 16th floor. One night the fire alarm went off and it was going off for about a minute when I could hear some sort of announcement coming over the PA system in the hall. I opened the door and stepped out to listen completely naked. As I looked down the hallway I noticed that several people were also naked LOL. Just goes to show a lot more people sleep naked than you think.
I don't keep anything handy if I have to flee the house to save my life I could care less if someone sees me naked.

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My concerns would be are the kids safe are the pets safe .I thought we are nudist here and that is the best reason to be so. I care not about textiles.

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Had the sametype experience on a weekend getaway at a nice hotel. The alarm went off and all rooms were on ground level. I'm not sure the hotel knew they owned so many towels. Seems like darn near everyone had a towel wrapped around them. Thankfully.... False alarm

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