Replacing clothes
I don't wear anything at home. If all of my clothing disappeared, I would want:1. Shorts and T-shirt -- to wear shopping, etc. -- need to be in fairly decent shape2. Swimsuit (I swim laps at the gym and a swimsuit is required)3. Jeans and t-shirt -- can be old -- to wear outside when I need to work around the house and it's too cold to be nude or when I need to be out by the road.4. Jeans and t-shirt -- need to be new and in very good shape -- to wear when I need to be "dressed up."I'm a dedicated barefooter and rarely wear shoes. In fact, the last time I wore shoes was 4 Nov 19 -- more than two months from this posting. Many people believe there are laws that required people to wear shoes. However, the Health Department regulates businesses and employees -- not customers -- the Health Department does not care whether customers have clothing on -- shoes are entirely irrelevant. The "O" in OSHA stands for Occupational. OSHA never makes mention of customers, clients, patients, etc. Accept for commercial drivers, there's no law requiring the rest of us to wear shoes.
One of each for 7 items all together or two of some?