Nude out of season

Mid 60s and sunny in NJ today. Enjoying a rare chance to be nude on the deck in January.

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RE:Nude out of season

I made a quick nude trip out to the car to get something last weekend when we had snow. I thought very seriously about making a nude snow angel but at that time there wasn't enough snow - I'd have gotten grass stains on my butt lol. When we did have enough all the neighbors were out and about - I really need a privacy fence.

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RE:Nude out of season

Although South Wales does not get as cold as some places in winter I still go out naked to do morning chores in all weathers throughout the year.

For me there is no closed season for outdoor nudity.

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RE:Nude out of season

I took a vacation in mid January. We traveled from St. Louis to Vegas and back. We stopped first at the Oak Lake Trails resort where we had a wonderful night. On the way back visited the Grand Canyon. On our travels there we stopped at a viewpoint where I had the opportunity to take a short nude hike that wa very enjoyable. Then we decided that an extra stop at Oak Lake Trails would be good. A nice hike and a hot tub later proved it to be true. Life is good with nude opportunities out of season.

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RE:Nude out of season

It's been in the 30's lately so last weekend I was able to take a naked hike to a haunted cemetary

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