Totally smooth
I took the plunge yesterday. For years I shaved basically from my waist down. I ve always hated any body hair and I have plenty, but always left hair on my torso and arms and back. While in the outdoor shower yesterday I decided I've got to try it. Total smooth from neck down. It's honestly a different look and feel. Can't give you an honest opinion yet weather I like the look. Maybe I'm just not used to it. Guess we will see how I adjust. My wife when she saw me kinda just wrinkled her nose.
Hope your wife takes to your new look. It might take a while to get used to being smooth all over but as you'd already been partially shaving yourself. We can't see ourselves not being smoothies after a long time being this way, we like being nudest nudists, how it feels and the other one looks and how other smoothies look.
Although I am definitely not of that mindset yet,I applaud yu for doing it if that is what makes you feel more confident nude. Part of the coming out O would say. For me it has been shaving down there. I plan to again soon and make a video to post on what its like with Nair. Easy and effective. Just dont leave it on too long. Women have offered to shave the rest of me. Maybe someday.