Best dog to get

Hi thinking of getting a dog for the kids. Any suggestions ? Thanks

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RE:Best dog to get

Most likely going to adopt from shelter

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RE:Best dog to get

Definitely adopt from your local animal shelter

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RE:Best dog to get

I would love ideas about the TYPE of dog, especially for someone in his 70's. For sure would consider adopting but the type is the question.

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RE:Best dog to get

There is no such thing as a perfect dog. Until you have that dog for a couple weeks, and you see how the dog has enriched your life. Suddenly the dog you have is perfect.

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RE:Best dog to get

Labs are my favorite. But a Mutt is also amazing. I am sorry but a pit bull mix is a one track dog. My dog now is that. I love him but. Border collies are very smart

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RE:Best dog to get

Thanks for all the help and suggestions guys

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