NYC area nude spas

I'm thinking about trying out some of the local NYC area nude spas and I'd love to hear your experiences or hear other suggestions. King Spa? Thanks!

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RE:NYC area nude spas

I hope that when this pandemic is over the Spas in New York and New Jersey will be able to open up again and not go out of business. There are a few in New Jersey and New York City. My favorite is Island Spa in Edison New Jersey. Another good one is King Sauna in Palisades Park, N.J. There is also a smaller one Palisades Park called Star Spa. The one I been to in NYC is Ktown Spa around 32nd between 5th and 6th. I have not been to that one in awhile and I think they had just reopened maybe even changed their name not sure about that. There is also one around the 50s on the east side and one in Queens that I have not been to. You can always do a google search on them.

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RE:NYC area nude spas

We had to hold off on our Island Spa meets but hopefully we will be able to get them going again. My guess is that it won't be until the fall but it will be a great day.

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