RE:Flag a fake


If she is super hot young and you tell her you like crypts larvae sandwiches and riding ostriches on Mars and she says, cool let's connect somewhere how do we do that? You know... Any guys with Eric(any mans name)Gay(numbers or city) are bots and all the twenty syllable lady names anime eyes or soft core focused pretty lady faces with no real meaning (or references to nothing near nudism or naturism) are fake and I dont respond to empty profiles or just a pic and three words cause there are so many more people who put effort in for me to take time with...

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RE:Flag a fake

I seem to be getting more messages, likes, friend requests from fake profiles recently. Either that or I've suddenly become irresistible to young women. Is there a way to flag them and remove them from the site?

Yes users have to report them. The report a message or profile option is easily found and they can't just remove profiles without having a user preferably member or more than one share a TOS violation "misrepresenting, spamming, etc"

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RE:Flag a fake

I'm willing to help if I can. I've been getting messages from fakes lately too.

Report them. This won't flag them to mods.

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RE:Flag a fake

I'm willing to help if I can. I've been getting messages from fakes lately too.Report them. This won't flag them to mods.

like this one with the anime eyes and soft focus and request for three different contact numbers lol..."Annaberrerras546533562"

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RE:Flag a fake


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RE:Flag a fake


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RE:Flag a fake


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RE:Flag a fake

Sydney, AU AU

My friends and I often organize gay orgies. If you want to join us go here * * and add me as a friend. You can also find there similar offers in your city if you want to have some fun

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RE:Flag a fake

Houston, Texas US

1 day ago
Hi there, are you down for hookup? Hit me up if youre interested

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RE:Flag a fake

Does anyone ever reply to these fakes who post such drivel? Dang, I guess some have so much money that they need to give it away to anyone including fakes, frauds, and assorted phonies. Why not just give money to the legit nudists here instead?

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