Yes Xray is both a stalker and a fake. He writes like a grade school drop out and yet claimed that he was a veterinarian. Vets do not write and act like grade school drop outs. Fact is that Tabs originally posted that irish was a fake and then this post disappeared and the same post was again posted but this time by Xray. In the past it was made clear by management that people here can have multiple profiles and use them to deceive others and attack others as a group. Should this be allowed? NEVER! It is allowed? YES and just another reason why this site has declined so much. It has become so bad that no one should trust anyone here anymore and that is beyond sad. It is also just plan scary that Xray would have a list of all of Irish' past profiles. Of course he has no real idea why Irish had any profiles but spouts his lies anyway. He also screams about being certified as proof that someone is legit but there are many here who are certified and known fakes. Certified means nothing anymore. Xray is an obvious certified fake and liar and should be removed from the site. There is no reason to ask him to prove anything because he has already proven that he is a fake many times over.
Addendum: Interesting that when Xray was banned from the chat room today Tabs could suddenly not sign in. The only way this could happen is if both have the same ISP. Fakes, frauds, and liars. Another interesting observation: Xray's postings in this topic were removed. Xray is banned and cannot gain access to this site to remove them. Someone else did. Tabs found a way to gain access and once she did, Xray's posts suddenly and magically disappeared. How much more proof do people need to post that these people are fakes, frauds, phonies, and liars.
SweetButtocks is also certified and yet invites people here to go to her fans only (pay) site: Sweet Anna, +
October 22 at 11:57 AM
210 'friends' so far and yet she is on all of the porn sites.
These 'friends' need to go check out the pron sites, enjoy your sex fantasies there, and leave this site to the few real nudists left!
So much for getting certified!
some of the females (I, personally do not consider them ladies") will have the as a way to contact them. These need to be flagged as they are porn site, and they just want your money.Some are not even females
As soon as I see that site on a profile that liked my profile - instant flag. Sometimes it feels like we are fighting a forest fire with a squirt gun, but got to keep at it.