Sycamore Creek
Do most of the guys who come to Sycamore Creek thinks everyone wants sex?
I come out here to enjoy nature and to relax in the sun and get a great tan. I would rather guys walk up to me and say Hello, how are you? And let's have a conversation and then we can have a great conversation and learn if we click at all.
Must admit, my roaming around has never encountered that issue, must say though, I'm just a simple outdoors nudist enjoying life,,,,too bad to hear other's have had problems with fellow nudists,,,,,
Where is that joy of just being naked outdoors,,,,,,,old style values,,,
Hi Rick,
Just to the left of the parking area you walk out to the dry creek bed. Cross over that and head back, after you cross the creek bed you can get naked. In the Spring the creek has water and as you go back further there are small waterfalls and natural "pool" areas where the run off from the snow melt collects. It's really beautiful and even though the water is freezing it feels great because it's so hot and there is very little shade.
You should give it a try.
I see what you are talking about. All too often i see men engaging in sexual activities there. Some i stumble on, some are very well hidden. It keeps me from bringing select friends with me as i dont want them exposed to that or think this is the norm for our community.
Its closed now due to the fire. Will reopen in Soring 2021. I. Luke use it right about now.
Actually, the National Forest states it is closed indefinitely until the dry conditions improve. Will not reopen until the Monsoons or significant rainfall.