Need two photos for holding membership here

You must have two visible photos from yourself in your album. If you want to hold your membership here, you must have at least TWO VISIBLE PHOTOS from yourself in your album uploaded. You get time until 27th February 2020 to manage this. Who does not want this, must leave this nice group then suddenly.

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Need two photos for holding membership here

wer ist damit gemeint?

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Need two photos for holding membership here

We got the same answer

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Need two photos for holding membership here

We got the same answer. Why do we have to have 2 photos and he has no photos of himself anywhere. Only one clothed photo and group photos of other people. We don't know how this person looks like. Why do we have to accept his request to let him create his private groups?

I don't care of his request.

Why don't the TN admin do anything about this???

I need an answer


This post was edited 5 years ago
  • 5 years ago
RE:Need two photos for holding membership here

I get so pisst off that one person rules here on TN and playing as admin and creates these groyps here. He acts like a king but he isn't..
He just wants to create his own personal library of other naked people... what a perv !!
Why can't he show himself and explain this.

I'm gonna ignore him and block him.

And he is creating new groups again.

How can we stop this guy Arvado.? !!

This post was edited 5 years ago
  • 5 years ago
RE:Need two photos for holding membership here

Just left all his groups as all he is doing is posting other people's photos from the internet or even here
This is the same person who quotes alleged fakes on this site

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Need two photos for holding membership here

I have raised my concerns about this group moderator as well. Nothing I see in his profile that meets his own standards for a group. His groups are even questionable content for this site. Most have everything to do with female objectification.

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  • 5 years ago