RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

Whatever event, hobby, pasttime, recreational activity you enjoy, there are a thousand others who enjoy it as well but for their own reasons which will likely bear SOME resemblance to your own. Just as in each trampolinist is different off the bouncy matte, we Naturists or Nudists are all different when we go back home or find ourselves clothed at the store. To assume we all must have more in common is simply baseless. We are here to celebrate one thing we all have in common, not that we necessarily think or do anything else in the same way.
As mentioned, Vive la difference! And enjoy the things we share!

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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

Oh, BTW, a small rant, if you will allow me, what little pubic hair I have is not, nor is ever, smelly. The only reason it would be would be if I didn't wash or wear appropriate clothes. Please don't tell us about your lack of personal hygiene. And to a few, let's try not to say that this or that is "disgusting". Naturists should be a little less quick to judge things as gross as we all know we are judged by many to be that simply by being nude.

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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

well. I shave my armpits for comfort and so I don t stink so bad. I cut my hair in my head coz I am too old for long hair. Otherwise I see no need to get rid of any hair

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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

Well that's why I said "In my opinion" regarding smells.

What isn't smelly to you, might be REALLY stinky to someone else.

It makes me feel kind of queasy to think of all the sweat, dirt, lubrication, and urine that must get trapped in unchecked growth.

Unless of course you shower after every time you pee and wash down there many many more times a day than is healthy. Of course if you're constantly washing it to avoid getting smelly hair down there, theprobabilityof suffering from multiple yeast infections and BV is high.

I prefer no hair because, in my PERSONAL opinion, it's cleaner and it smells less. The same way shaving your armpits causes you to have little or no B/O.

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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair


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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

IS THERE just one person out there who agrees with me other than the 39 who don't

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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

Can you seei the contridiction in terms of being naked in a social setting yet still grooming to look good ie shaving cutting hair, , if you modifying your looks in someway you may as well be fully clothed.
If being naked is about being free. For example if your staying at a nudist resort wouldnt it be a contridiction to style your hair on your head before leave your room to be with others.
Why is there one rule for face make up and hair and another rule for other parts of the body. iIt like they are saying accept my bottom and genital region as they are but my other areas are highly modified so you dont critisize. Because part of the person is modified and others arnt then the other parts seem to be the taboo area it looks more like exibitionism than a natural nudist life. I think a person should be either all modified including wearing clothes or all narutural with no clothes or modification anywhere..
does anyone understand what i am trying to say?


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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

Can you seei the contridiction in terms of being naked in a social setting yet still grooming to look good ie shaving cutting hair, , if you modifying your looks in someway you may as well be fully clothed.
If being naked is about being free. For example if your staying at a nudist resort wouldnt it be a contridiction to style your hair on your head before leave your room to be with others.
Why is there one rule for face make up and hair and another rule for other parts of the body. iIt like they are saying accept my bottom and genital region as they are but my other areas are highly modified so you dont critisize. Because part of the person is modified and others arnt then the other parts seem to be the taboo area it looks more like exibitionism than a natural nudist life. I think a person should be either all modified including wearing clothes or all narutural with no clothes or modification anywhere..
does anyone understand what i am trying to say?


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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

Can you seei the contridiction in terms of being naked in a social setting yet still grooming to look good ie shaving cutting hair, , if you modifying your looks in someway you may as well be fully clothed.
If being naked is about being free. For example if your staying at a nudist resort wouldnt it be a contridiction to style your hair on your head before leave your room to be with others.
Why is there one rule for face make up and hair and another rule for other parts of the body. iIt like they are saying accept my bottom and genital region as they are but my other areas are highly modified so you dont critisize. Because part of the person is modified and others arnt then the other parts seem to be the taboo area it looks more like exibitionism than a natural nudist life. I think a person should be either all modified including wearing clothes or all narutural with no clothes or modification anywhere..
does anyone understand what i am trying to say?


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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

I understand what you're saying, but combing or grooming is just that grooming, having a pride in how one looks or presents him/herself. I do bathe as well.

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